A Demand for Action for Evicted Brentford Retailers |
Brentford West councillor Guy Lambert reports back
January 2, 2025 Well, in case nobody noticed there was a religious festival just now. Personally I don’t do religion but I had a lovely time with my family. Seems a long time ago I was complaining about a dodgy knee. I managed to avoid A&E though my knee is still not the best on the planet but I can get around, even in this biting wind. I don’t much mind rain or even cold, but wind is something I hate on a bicycle. Back then – we are talking 19th December – I wimped out from a visit to an evening meeting about the Future of London over in Finsbury Circus, where I briefly worked for a solicitor firm in my hippieish days (I was fired for looking ‘windswept’). Can’t remember why, but I did have a beard at the time. On the Friday I turned up for a meal with Hounslow Highways. Before I was ever a councillor I volunteered for Hounslow Highways as a Lay Assessor. We used to oversee some of the work they do and feedback comments. I gave that up when I was elected but many of the same Lay Assessors are still at it, and it was good to catch up with them and some of the Hounslow Highways team who I worked closely with when I was on Cabinet. Despite what some think, they are a dedicated lot, who are doing their level best for our roads and pavements despite the lack of funding from central government which used to help a lot with this. May improve now I am no longer so closely involved – I’m relying on Ms Reeves. Then it was Christmas Week and very little work going on, at least by me. Did a lot of strolling around my home town though. Was good to see that Behar from the small supermarket in Albany Parade still believes that he will finally get his new shop in ‘Block D’. At least he is going through the minor torture of applying for an alcohol licence. I will come back to that subject later. Not so good to see that people still just ignore the double yellow lines outside Morrisons (nor the restrictions in Market Place). Pretty well every time I pass it there is a car or 2 outside Morrisons or a delivery van. An extensive free car park is underneath. Use it, rather than blocking an already very congested street. Hazard lights are not effective at removing the obstruction, despite the general view. They have covered up the previous lines denoting a loading bay, but it still shows as shiny black. I am on your case and will be encouraging the parking team to target it. On Sunday 22nd I wimped again. I was going to cycle to the new studio place on the site where I once wrestled unsuccessfully with Magnet kitchens over their fly-posting on the A4. It was a truly horrible day so I went that half a mile by car. There were plenty of food stalls outside but I don’t think anybody was making their fortune as it was too horrible weather. Inside there were some stalls and a few people having fun as you can see, but I wouldn’t claim it was packed with customers. Monday dawned with one of those mornings which makes my soul sing. For clarity, and to avoid any alarm, this form of singing is soundless. The next week was determined Christmassing but on Saturday I was introduced to Kwanzaa. Well, I’d never heard of it but a friend of mine who lives locally is committed to it and was one of the organisers of an event in the Free Church. According to Wikipedia (that I just upped my financial contribution to – you can do it yourself and keep reliable data on everything still available for free rather than Musky) Kwanzaa is an annual celebration of African-American culture from December 26 to January 1 This was very interesting and joyful and I stayed for a couple of hours rather than the 15 minutes I originally expected. Seven principles which all seem entirely appropriate to me. Was a privilege to attend. On the way home I wandered over the bridge over the canal in Dock Road. First time I ever saw this rather lovely light show on MSA Marine. This was on the way to the 30th December party at the Brewery Tap. Lovely to see it full of people including a few stray councillors and music from the Republic of Brentford. I also revealed the secrets inside the piano stool. Don’t tell anyone or you will have to kill them. You might think they are ping pong bats, Don’t be so naïve… On Tuesday I was touched by this, from someone I have been trying for over a year to get decent accommodation for him and his family. They are a lovely family from Sudan, driven away by the Sudan Civil War. He works as a teaching assistant for children in Shepherd’s Bush and his wife when her English improves will go back to her profession as an obstetrician doctor. Not often I get that kind of feedback, but I really felt for this family. They have been moved by the council to temporary accommodation in Slough but still working to get them a place here. That’s really all I have to say in my normal diary, but I have a more serious announcement to make. Retailers in Brentford We are dismayed that 3 retailers in Albany Parade are to be evicted on Friday 3rd January. Another retailer previously on the High St was evicted some months ago by his landlord who I believe is a tenant of the council. All of these accepted in principle an offer for new premises in ‘Block D’ back in August but despite repeated attempts by the tenants and me, there has been no progress on finalising the leases and none of the tenants have been given keys to the premises they have been allocated. A few weeks ago plastic stickers were attached to the windows of these unoccupied shops which suggested that the progress would be very slow, something that has been confirmed by events since. There is also a NHS Dentist surgery on that parade who may also be evicted this week, but I have no definitive information. I understand they are allocated a premises on the other side of the High Street. Some at least of the Albany Parade tenants were previously told they would have to leave in October or November but when they complained this was put back to 3rd January. They have been told it cannot be delayed any further because the gas and electricity will be shut off on 3rd January and the car park area closed. Local councillors, despite repeated requests, have not been given a timetable for this to happen and have not been told about the process adopted in determining who was selected and who refused. One retailer in Brentford has been refused without any reason (other than there were judged superior offers on undisclosed criteria). He has complained to councillors but they have been unable to elicit the reasons. There are apparently 11 tenants who have received an offer, subject to contract, for a total of 12 units on Block D. I can trace 5 of them because they have been in contact with me directly or via other local people. I am not allowed to know who the potential tenants are because it is said to be confidential, though one of them at least was communicated to the Chamber of Commerce, who told me. I am dismayed on behalf of the local businesses who have at least temporarily lost their income. I am dismayed that these allocations seem to have been made with no transparency or democratic overview from local councillors in Brentford West or Syon and Brentford Lock wards. I am dismayed that Brentford town centre is currently deprived of 11 shops that could provide some new life to an emerging redeveloped town centre. I am dismayed that the council, which is under serious financial pressure, is forgoing for many months rent and business rates which would be provided by these businesses once they are established in their new premises. I am working with other local concerned citizens to put pressure on the council to unblock this as a matter of extreme urgency. Efforts thus far have been entirely ineffective and I am proposing a meeting on the morning of 3rd January to which I will invite the Lead Member and Leader of the council together with senior council officials I know making this statement will be unpopular with the local administration, but IMO it needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. My position in the Hounslow Labour Group, from which I am already suspended, has become untenable, so I have tendered my resignation from the group, which has been accepted and has brought also a threat that I will be automatically expelled from the Labour party. I have no confirmation that that is correct and in any case, I still support the Labour party and will stay until or unless I am forcibly removed. Councillor Guy Lambert