Concerns Raised Over 'Night Club' Plan for Brentford Studios

Film production facility seeks licence to stay open until 4am

Brentford Studios
Picture: Brentford Studios


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March 7, 2025

An application by a film company to use its studios to host events has raised concerns that it could result in a new night club in the area.

Indo-UK Film Company, which operates Brentford Studios in the Kew Bridge Distribution Centre, is seeking permission to use one of its production stages when it is not in use making films.

The studios are situated next to the M4 flyover close to the SEGA building and the Gtech stadium with the nearest housing on Green Dragon Lane the other side of the railway tracks.

Permission is being sought to serve alcohol as well as the the playing of live music up until 3:30am as well as the showing of films and the staging of boxing and wrestling matches and if granted would enable it to stay open until 4am.

The application states that the primary function of the facility would remain as a film and production studio, but they wish to have the ability to host private functions and events.

It says that a sound limiting device shall be installed and maintained to ensure that noise levels do not exceed specified limits and that it would be calibrated by a qualified acoustic consultant, with settings locked and tamper-proof.

An event is already being advertised at Brentford Studios for Saturday 15 March. Billed as London's Biggest Holi Colours Festival, the poster states that there will be 3,000 a day long event which runs from 11am to 3am the following morning.

We contacted Indo-UK to ask for more details about its plans for the venue.

If you wish to comment on the application email

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