Grasshoppers Plans to Host Turf Games Festival

Around 4,000 expected to attend fitness themed event

The festival has previously been hosted by Ealing Trailfinders. Picture: Turf Games


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March 7, 2025

Grasshoppers Rugby Club is hoping to host a fitness themed festival this summer which aims to attract attendances of over 4,000.

The club gained a licence to host music festivals last year in the face of some opposition from residents, but the Turf Games event will feature team based activities and will not involved live music late into the evening.

Turf Games was started in 2017 to offer competitive functional fitness events for non-professional participants who had previously worked out alone in gyms. It aims to realise the social benefit of team sport in supporting people undertaking regular exercise. It operates in several countries but for the last few years the London event has been hosted by the Ealing Trailfinders club.

A letter from Ealing Trailfinders has been submitted with the application which praises Turf Games management and expresses a wish that the event may return at some point.

The event planned at Grasshoppers is scheduled for Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 June with competitions taking place through out the day finishing at around 5pm. An attendance of 4,000 participants and spectators is expected each day. Bars and food stalls will remain open afterwards but it is expected that most people will have left by 9pm. The organisers are promising to liaise with local residents to minimise disruption.

Music will be played but the sound levels will be controlled by Turf Games management who say they wish to make the venue part of its long term future and do not wish to cause any noise nuisance to neighbours. They will employ a professional sound engineer throughout the events to monitor and manage sound levels.

Grasshoppers obtained a licence last year to host music festivals on weekends and Bank Holidays between May and September with up to 3,000 people attending but Turf Games is making a separate application for this weekend.

If you want to comment on the application email

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