Masterplan for GSK Development Set to Be Revealed

Multi-storey car park at site being brought back into use

The GSK site as seen from the A4 Great West Road. Picture: Hadley Property Group


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February 28, 2025

The developer behind what is likely to be the largest ever building project in the Brentford area has promised to reveal more details of the scheme.

Hadley Property Group, which is the owner of the 5.4-hectare site which used to be the location of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), says it will be providing indicative masterplan visuals and building imagery at an exhibition to be held at Brentford Free Church, Boston Manor Road (TW8 8DW) on Saturday, 8 March from 12 - 3 pm. Members of the project team will be available to answer questions.

Residents interested in the future of the site expressed disappointment at the level of information revealed at a previous consultation exercise held towards the end of last year but the developer said it was still collecting feedback to inform the final designs.

The project will be a mixed-use development with a blend of residential units, including affordable and student housing, alongside commercial, educational, and spaces for community groups.

The developer says it will improve links between Brentford town centre and areas north of the Great West Road with the creation of pedestrian and cycle-friendly routes, as well as enhancement of access to nearby parks and the river.

Consideration has been given to reusing parts of the existing GSK building's substructure and basement.

An aerial view of the GSK site. Picture: Hadley Property Group

Hadley Property Group has assembled a team of architects and consultants to develop the designs, including Haworth Tompkins, Metropolitan Workshop, dRMM, Studio Egret West, and McGregor Coxall.

This week council planners have recommended approval for a change of use for the car parking at the site for a term of three years which was previously only available for staff and visitors to GSK House. It is understood that there are over 1,000 spaces in the multi-storey car park by the Chiswick Flyover and in basement levels at the site.

These would now be made available for local car dealerships to store vehicles and for film production companies to park vehicles when not in use.

The multi-storey car park at GSK House. Picture: Google Streetview
The multi-storey car park at GSK House. Picture: Google Streetview

A green light was recommended for the proposal by Hadley due to Transport for London agreeing with the developers that the proposed use would generate a much lower level of traffic than when it was in use by GSK. There would be an increased number of HGVs including low loaders and these would enter via the Great West Road (A4).

Data submitted with the application suggests that there will be around 356 HGV’s and cars at the site each week.

If you have any questions about the proposals or would like to be added to the developer’s mailing list to be kept informed about what’s happening at 980 Great West Road and future consultation, email

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