Details Lacking in GSK House Plan Exhibition |
Developer says it wants community feedback to shape masterplan
December 13, 2024 The first formal consultation in the process of redeveloping the 13.4 acre site of GSK House on Great West Road has begun. The project led by property firm Hadley, will see a mixed-use development on the site recently vacated by the pharmaceutical company. It is believed that it could be the largest ever development in the Brentford area. Hadley Property Group is a private company which describes itself as a regeneration specialist and is involved in a number of mixed-use schemes in London. A series of informal engagement events were held this June in which the developer said it wanted to hear from ‘area experts’ to help shape the plan. Exhibitions held earlier this month were generally held to be short on detail, which the developer’s representatives explained was due to the designs not being fully formed and a desire to enable feedback from local residents to play as large a part as possible in shaping them. The exhibition board stage that the masterplan aims to reflect the changing landscape of Brentford and harness the ‘distinct location of the site’ reconnecting communities north of Great West Road with the town centre. The site is relatively flat with a gentle slope down from east to west and of regular shape. The western boundary is the River Brent, with Boston Manor Park to the north. The eastern boundary of the site is Boston Manor Road whilst the Great West Road forms the southern boundary. The new neighbourhood would include employment space, shops, affordable housing and accommodation for students. The developer states that it wants to ‘bring down the fences’ and open the site to stitch communities together. It is also considering the potential for future rail stations and river crossings. To reduce the environmental impact of the scheme, consideration is being given to utilising the existing substructure and basement. Detailed surveys of the site began last month when Hadley took possession. As you complete the survey you are given details of how other people have responded and this currently shows that most people would prefer family sized housing on the site with an increase in biodiverse spaces.
If you have any questions about the proposals or would like to be added to the developer’s mailing list to be kept informed about what’s happening at 980 Great West Road and future consultation, email