New Playgrounds Plan Frozen |
Hounslow loses over 30% of grant for new play projects
In 2009 Hounslow Council was awarded £1.1 million Play Builder from the previous government to build 22 playgrounds in Hounslow. The grant was given to improve the number and quality of play facilities for 8-13 yr olds. 11 playgrounds had been completed in the borough when in August the new government decided to freeze allocating the remainder of this grant in order to make savings. Cllr Lily Bath has successfully lobbied the Government to have some of the grant re-instated. However the amount is not enough to complete the whole programme. Cllr Lily Bath Lead Member for Children, Youth and Families said: “ It is disappointing that the government has decided to cut some of this funding which will probably mean that not all the play projects can now be completed, some of which were to be located on housing estates and schools. However, I am pleased that we have not lost all the funding and work can continue on this important programme which will greatly improve the much needed play facilities for children in the borough.” Conservative Councillor Mark Bowen responded: "Conservatives are more than happy to stand on their record, as part of the previous Council administration, of radically improving the standard of our parks and play provision within the London Borough of Hounslow after a period of serious underinvestment from Labour.