Decision Due on Major Commerce Road Development |
Planners recommending approval of Manderson House scheme
April 7, 2023 The borough planning committee is meeting later this month to consider an application (P/2022/2379) for a major development in Brentford. The councillors on the committee have been given a report by council planning officers recommending that they approve the scheme on Thursday 13 April for a new mixed residential and commercial development at 24 Commerce Road.. Euthenia Developments Ltd is seeking permission to demolish the two-storey office building known as Manderson House and two pitched roof metal sheds used for car storage for a car rental business and build blocks up to nine storeys high around a central courtyard. There would be 111 flats, including 30 that would be classed as affordable, in the development which has been dubbed Makers' Yard, ranging from studios to three bedroom units, 71 of which the developer wants to reserve for the private market with 14 (mainly studios) for shared ownership and 28 for social rent.
The apartments will generally have a west facing view as well as looking out over a central courtyard which will include a children’s playground. Part of the development on the lower levels will be reserved for light industrial use with the developer suggesting it could be used for purposes such as boat chandlery and metalworks, furniture repair, ceramics or bicycle repair. There would be 2,388sqm of commercial space provided resulting in an increase of 723sqm of commercial space on the site. The building will be the tallest in the immediate area although an approved scheme to be built on the opposite side of the road will be eight storeys high. There were 21 objections to the proposal mainly on the grounds that it was too high for the area. Brentford Voice also objected to the height as well as the level of affordable housing in the scheme. The planners’ report states that, "The proposal would comprehensively redevelop the site, making best use of the land. The scheme would be consistent with the objectives of the Development Plan, bringing a more appropriate use to the site which is located within a Strategic Industrial Location, providing new jobs and increased economic activity, as well as delivering regeneration and housing, especially affordable housing, and to optimise use of such sites focusing growth at sustainable locations with good transport accessibility.” It also praises the plan for sustainability saying that it achieves a minimum of a 70% reduction in carbon emissions over Building Regulations baseline and would warrant an “Excellent” Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) rating. Approval is recommended subject to normal conditions.