Views Sought on Gillette Building Studios Proposal

Big increase in production facilities proposed at the site

A CGI of the of the proposed development. Picture: Gensler


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May 28, 2024

A plan for a major film studio and technology hub around the Gillette Building is currently being consulted on for the next few weeks.

The Vinyl Factory want to significantly increased the amount of digital content creation and production at the site on the border of Brentford and Isleworth in a scheme that it says could provide 2,000 jobs at the site with a further 2,000 jobs supported in supply chain businesses and the local economy.

The scheme was originally put forward in 2022 but the latest designs reflect conversations with the planning department at Hounslow Council.

The development area in the 4.4 hectare plot includes the former main Gillette factory building, ancillary buildings, and structures, as well as a nine-storey car park at the northern end of the site adjacent to the Sky campus.

The height of the new sound stages is based on the internal head height space required for the creation of sets and filming. It is planned to more than double the number of sound stages at the complex.

The Vinyl Factory has previously repurposed historic and listed buildings through investing in creative industry led businesses. Its principal operation is at 180 Studios in 180 Strand, WC2 which now includes a collection of studios equipped with LED and digital technology for productions, events, conferences and exhibitions.

A panoramic view of how the development might look
A panoramic view of how the development might look. Picture: Gensler

The company’s music, digital and art elements including vinyl record manufacturing were built around the purchase of the EMI record plant in Hayes, Middlesex in 2001.

The Vinyl Factory has run ‘Gillette Studios’ since 2013 with 10 major productions worked on at the site, including Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (Fox) – 2015, Allied (Paramount Pictures) – 2016, Bohemian Rhapsody (Fox) – 2018, Infinite (Paramount Pictures) – 2020 and All the Old Knives (Amazon) – 2021.

Architect, Gensler, has developed proposals for a film studio campus will it says will secure a long-term use for the grade II listed buildings. Built in the 1930s, the iconic building at the junction of the Great West Road and Syon Lane operated as a factory for Gillette until 2006 when the company moved production to Poland. The Gillette factory building is to be retained and refurbished into predominantly office and support spaces, ancillary to the proposed studios. The other buildings on the site that hold heritage value, such as the Engineer’s House, the NatWest Bank, and the main part of the non-listed Campbells Building, would also be retained. Other buildings that cannot feasibly be adapted would be demolished and replaced with new purpose-built sound stages.

A CGI of the aerial view of the proposed development
A CGI of the aerial view of the proposed development. Picture: Gensler

The Vinyl Factory says that the current film studio underutilises the site with many existing buildings either vacant or partially occupied.

It says, “Our proposals respond to an acute shortage of high-quality, large-scale virtual production, film and digital content creation space and would breathe life back into this important and historical landmark.”

A drop-in event is being held about the redevelopment of the Gillette building into film studios on Wednesday 5 June, between 3 pm and 7.30 pm, at the IPF Building at the back of the Gillette building (access via Harlequin Avenue).

A consultation is being run on the proposals between Thursday 23 May until Friday 14 June. You can see more details of the proposals and have your say on this link.

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