Plan Submitted to Develop Station Parade Site

Would continue line of shops with three storeys of flats above

station parade


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An application has been made to build nine flats above new shops on the land next to Boston Sandwich Bar (best bacon butties in Brentford?) on Boston Manor Road.

The building will be three floors above a ground and lower ground floor with two retail units. There will be no parking spaces.

The application has been made on behalf of Kearns Premier Homes by Amasia Architexts Ltd a firm based in Guildford. They say the scale and architectural style of the proposal
'have been informed by in-depth discussions with the Local Planning Authority'.

The site is not located in a conservation area, although it is adjacent to St Paul's Brentford Conservation Area on the opposite side of the railway.

An earlier proposal discussed with council planners was for an eight storey building containing twenty flats.

If you would like to comment on this application visit planning and enter system number P/2019/3391.


Front view

There will be 2 x 1 bed, 4 x 2 bed, 2 x 3 bed and 1 x 4 bed.

south-east elevation
south-east elevation showing Church Walk houses in outline

existing site
existing site (Google Street View)

site and ground floor
proposed ground floor with retail units (pale cream) and residential access (yellow)


September 27, 2019

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