www.BrentfordTW8.com Newsletter

17 November, 2017

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+ Enjoy A Magical Walk Through Syon Park’s Enhanced Woodland +
Open for 3 weekends

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What's Happened in Brentford

Anger As Planning Inspector Rules Council Can't Block Parkview Plan
Over 200 flats overlooking Gunnersbury Park get the go ahead

1 in 98 Are Homeless in Hounslow
Shelter report ranks borough 27th in country

Application Submitted to Redevelop Citroen Garage Site
L&Q want to build 5 houses and 425 flats at Capital Interchange Way

+ Spa De Sal +
Salt therapy for respiratory and skin conditions

Local Assembly Member Says He Has Seen 'No Support' for CS9
Tony Arbour says he has had more emails on plan than for any previous consultation

Green Dragon Primary School in the Movies
Film made promoting the warm spirit of the school

Friends' Groups Say Future of Borough Parks 'Uncertain'
Express disappointment at lack of consultation on surprise management changes

Weekly Update From Councillor Guy Lambert
Planning and politics both make for lively debates

+ The Stone & Ceramic Warehouse +
FREE design advice from experienced consultants to make your project unique at unbelievably low prices.
Stock available immediately

Monthly Drop in at Cathja's Kitchen Table
Offering signposting to mental health support and wellbeing

Last week's Update From Councillor Guy Lambert
'Block D' requires chair's casting vote to get it approved

Forthcoming Roadworks in Brentford
Disruption to roads in and around TW8

Weekend Disruption on Public Transport in Brentford
Engineering works to affect South Western Railway services

+ Singing Tuition in Brentford +
Check out our listings of local personal services

What's on in Brentford over the coming month

What's happening next in Brentford
A listing of events in the local area

If you have a local event for inclusion send details to: editor@brentfordtw8.com

Step Into Christmas Charity Quiz
At the Lord Nelson

Enchanted Woodland 2017 at Syon Park
Illuminated trail takes you through Syon Gardens

Community Street Briefings in Brentford
Local police available on a street near you over coming weeks

Cinema at Watermans Arts Centre
This week's showings include Call Me By Your Name; Breathe; The Death of Stalin

18th Festive Shopping at Syon Park
Meet Sarah Stanley, Brentford mosaic artist

19th Red Riding Hood
Children's Events This Autumn at Watermans Arts Centre

18-19th The Bundle: An Asylum Seeker's Story
Free play at Brentford and Isleworth Quaker Meeting House

21st BRAG (Brentford Recycling Action Group) Holds its 18th AGM
Review of the year and guest speakers

23rd Come to Isleworth and Brentford Area Forum
Strategic Transport Update with spokesperson from South West Railways

24th No Angel Uncensored by Charlie Bicknell
Cabaret at Watermans Arts Centre

24-26th Festive Art Fair at Johnsons Island
Support our local artists' exhibition and shopping opportunity

25th Restart Party to repair electrical devices
Save them from landfill with BRAG's Restart Party at Cathja's Kitchen Table

30th Cabinet Question Time in Isleworth
Quiz Hounslow Cabinet members on local issues

Brentford's Discussion Forum

Join the debate about things to do with Brentford

Cycling  highway expansion

Recycle bin collection issues

Poppies on posts

Large payout for ex employee Brendon Walsh

Jobs in Brentford

Customer Relations Representative at Watermans
Looking for THREE enthusiastic, passionate, customer-focused people to join team of ushers and box office assistants

Employment Opportunities in the TW8 Area
Avoid the daily commute by working locally

Clients of BrentfordTW8.com can advertise their vacancies for free

Advertising on BrentfordTW8.com

The Fastest Growing Local Media
BrentfordTW8.com would not exist without the local businesses that pay to advertise.
Please tell our clients that you have seen their ad and use their services

Brentford Classifieds
A chance to clear out your attic

List Your Business on the BrentfordTW8.com Directory
The most comprehensive source of local contact information available

Public Notices in Brentford

Hounslow Borough Consultations

Draft Brentford East Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Closing Date: 10 December 2017

Air quality action plan consultation
Closing Date: 17 December 2017

Traffic Notices

Comments should be sent to trafficorders@hounslow.gov.uk

Planning Applications

Selected applications of broader interest in the area


Citroen Site Capital Interchange Way Brentford TW8 0EX
Redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed use scheme of 427 residential units (Class C3) including 40% affordable housing with ancillary facilities, flexible uses (within Classes A1, A2, A3 and B1) and a nursery (Class D1). Comprising buildings of 12, 13, 15, 16 and 18 storeys in height

Boston Manor House Boston Manor Road Brentford TW8 9JX
Conservation, restoration and refurbishment of Boston Manor House to upgrade visitor facilities, in addition to the provision of flexible event and interpretation spaces, and meeting facilities. Installation of lift shaft to interior and rood of late 17th century wing of house.

Vantage London Great West Road Brentford TW8 9AG
Erection of a non-illuminated signage zone comprising six advertisements on western flank of elevation of the building known as 'Vantage London'

Building 1 New Horizons Court Ryan Drive Brentford TW8 9ET
Prior approval for change of use of a building from office use (Class B1(a)) to provide 99 residential flats (Class C3).

Brentford Waterside Block D Land And Buildings At 98-109 High Street Brentford TW8 8AE
Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of site to provide 96 residential dwellings together with the provision of flexible commercial floor space (Class A1/A2/A3/A4/B1& D1 use) with associated public realm improvements, landscaping, and car parking


Pavement Outside 581 London Road Isleworth TW7 4EJ
Installation of new telephone kiosk (56 days notice)

9 Riverside Walk Isleworth TW7 6HW
Retrospective application for change of use of a house into House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) of up to 7 individual people

Worton Hall Worton Road Isleworth TW7 6ER
Listed building consent for demolition of a two storey side extension and erection of a pair of single storey buildings with basement accommodation on both sides of the main building to create two two-bedroom houses

764 Great West Road Isleworth TW7 5NA
Change of use of the bar/restaurant into a shisha lounge and outside sitting area with screening

More Planning Notices

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