councillors have given the go-ahead for a new Lucozade sign to be
constructed alongside the M4.
Highways Agency had objected to the scheme to replace the sign,
removed in September from its home of 50 years along the A4. They
claimed that the sign will distract drivers travelling along the
elevated section of the M4 and could be a cause of accidents.
council officers recommended approval of the scheme, pointing out
that the new location is furthur from the slip road junction than
the old sign and therefore in a safer place.
siting of advertisements alongside main roads has proved controversial.
Adverts are generally limited to six words, although there are no
specific controls on images used. Hounslow councillors have refused
permission for some large illuminated advertisements, although these
decisions are often reversed on appeal.

the sign could look from the M4 - a computer generated image of
the new location.
found for new Lucozade sign
site to become 'North Brentford Quarter'
football memorabilia sought for centenary