Learn About The Kingfishers of Brentford with Scott Margetts |
Friends of Watermans Park to host talk and tour by photographer
March 29, 2024 If you are lucky enough to have spotted a flash of blue and orange over the water in Brentford, chances are you have seen a kingfisher. These are now often sighted along Brentford’s rivers and canals . To provide a chance to learn more about these stunning aquatic birds, The Friends of Watermans Park is hosting an event with professional photographer and Brentford resident Scott Margetts. Scott first came across a kingfisher whilst taking a daily walk during Covid lockdown and became fascinated with them. Since then, he has accumulated a wonderful collection of photographs of these birds. He will be showcasing his work on Monday 15 April at 6.30 p.m. at the Digital Dock in Brentford High Street. He will show a short movie and some of his photographs after which, at around 7.15 p.m., the group will move to the waterside at Ferry Quays where some of his photos were taken. Scott will give some background on the habits of kingfishers with tips on how to spot them and then move on to Lots Ait where there will be large format prints on display. Kal Watrobski, who now runs her upholstery business, Studio Flox, from Lots Ait will introduce the group to the island and the businesses working out of John’s Boatyard. There'll be an opportunity for those attending to chat with Scott about the kingfishers and his photos in an informal setting. There will also be some drinks & nibbles to round off what should be a fascinating evening. There’s no charge to attend but as spaces are limited reserve your place(s) here. The Friends of Waterman's Park's main aim is to help protect, conserve and enhance Watermans Park, its environs and access to the River Thames for the enjoyment of residents and visitors. The Friends have ambitious plans for 2024. As well as hosting talks there will live free-to-attend music in Watermans Park at Summer Bandstands on July weekends and during the Creative Mile weekend at the end of August, and the Friends would like to create a community garden in the park close to the eastern entrance. If you’re interested in joining the Friends contact Philip Jones at chair@friendsofwatermanspark.org .