Hounslow Symphony Orchestra teaming up with two local choirs

Picture: Hounslow Symphony Orchestra
March 8, 2024
A concert featuring 120 performers is planned at Mary’s Church, Osterley later this month.
The Hounslow Symphony Orchestra (HSO) is joining forces with Chiswick Voices and Chiswick Community Choir, who will provide a dynamic range of voices spanning multiple generations, for a performance of Fauré's Requiem.
For people unfamiliar with the work, the HSO suggests you may have already listened to something similar on Britain's Got Talent. 13-year-old Malakai Bayoh sang Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Pie Jesu in 2023 and received a standing ovation.
The first half of this concert will be a performance of Symphony in D Minor by Franck, his only symphony written in the same year as the Requiem, making it an interesting companion for the Fauré.
Conductors Dorian Todorov & Zac Moxon have plans to make this the first of many collaborative choral & orchestral projects.
The concert has an earlier start time than usual at 6pm and takes place at St Mary's Church, Osterley Road, Isleworth (TW7 4PW) on Saturday 16 March. Parking is free in local side streets.
Tickets cost £14.30/£11.00/£4 in advance (includes booking fee) or £16/£12/£4 on the door with contactless or card payment preferred.
HSO says it aims to be the friendliest orchestra in London. It is an amateur orchestra of around 55 players which plays three concerts each season, usually at St Mary’s Church and St Paul’s Church, 56 Grove Park Road, Chiswick, W4 3SB.
It concentrates on the standard classical and romantic repertoire and from time to time perform contemporary works.
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