Brentford Residents Act to Improve Local Parks

Community groups looking at new ways of improving local parks and open spaces

Fed up with dealing with dog mess, graffitti, vandalism and litter, a group of Brentford residents have banded together to find new ways of tackling with the poor state of local open spaces.

St Paul's Recreation Ground on Lateward Road is to be the first park to receive attention. The campaign begins with a public meeting - details below - which will discuss options for sources of fundraising and community involvement.

Plans are being formed for a neighbourhood clear-up, graffiti patrols and local resident input on the plants and flowers grown in the park. Police advice is being sought on CCTV options for the park, particularly the play area.

"Parks should be for everybody to enjoy" explained local campaigner Steve Curran "but too often the state of them makes them unsuitable for small children and the elderly. We want to start bringing back the local community into our open spaces by making them clean, safe and comfortable".

Parks are the responsibility of CIP, which reports to Hounslow Council. Budget cuts have put pressure on CIP's services, and community groups look set to take up some of the slack.

The Friends of St Pauls initial meeting takes place on Monday 7 July at 7.30pm. It takes place at Alexandra House, Albany Road, Brentford. Alexandra House is the Age Concern building opposite the playground at St Pauls. Further information from

June 26 2003

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