Michael Gove Visits Capital Interchange Way

Brings Tory battle bus to local building site

Michael Gove at the construction site in Brentford
Michael Gove at the construction site in Brentford. Picture: The Conservative Party

June 21, 2024


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Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Michael Gove, paid a visit to Brentford this Thursday (20 June) to have a look at progress on a construction site at Capital Interchange Way.

The former Surrey Heath MP, who is not contesting his former seat at the forthcoming election, arrived in the Conservative Party battle bus.

There was some annoyance from the press pack who were accompanying Mr Gove on the bus when they were told they were not allowed to join him on his tour of the site with only one agency reporter permitted to see him view the new housing.

While he was there, he talked to apprentices working on the site and asked them if they were happy with their training.

During the visit he did a short interview for TV in which he was asked about the ongoing scandal of Tory candidates and the party’s director of campaigning being investigated over betting on the date of the election. He said that he couldn’t comment on individual cases but added, ‘people shouldn’t behave in this way.’

Candidates for the Brentford and Isleworth Constituency

Conservative - Laura Blumenthal
Labour - Ruth Cadbury
Reform UK - David Kerr
Workers Party - Nisar Malik
Independent - Zebunisa Rao
Liberal Democrats - Kuldev Sehra
Green - Freya Summersgill

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