Meeting to Be Held About Disused Railway Embankment

Brentford Voice aiming to form Friends of the Beeline group

A visualisation of the entrance to the Beeline from the feasibility study
A visualisation of the entrance to the Beeline from the feasibility study. Picture: Brentford Voice


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November 8, 2024

Plans to create the Brentford Beeline on the disused railway embankment north of London Road continue to progress.

An update on what is happening along with proposals for next steps are to be presented at a community meeting organised by Brentford Voice later this month.

It is taking place at 6.30 p.m. on Monday 18 November in the Holiday Inn, Commerce Road.

Brentford Voice want to encourage as many people as possible to attend saying, “Above all, this project belongs to the community so we would like to learn about any concerns and suggestions that you may have, and how the project should be taken forward in a way that reflects your views. For example, there will be many opportunities for voluntary work, and this may be best managed through the formation of a ‘Friends of the Beeline’ group.”

A feasibility report was completed at the end of last year after which it was decided to move forward with a phased implementation beginning in 2025.

The car repair garage on London Road near to Pets at Home used to be the site of an earlier Brentford station and the railway arches and rail bridge abutment are nearby. This link used to link the rail network with Brentford Docks.

The broad concept is to create a walking route along the embankment which could be used as a nature reserve, community gardens or just a picnic spot.

If you have any advance questions or comments you can contact the group via email at To help them plan numbers for the meeting let Brentford Voice know at the same address that you are intending to be at the meeting.

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