Brentford Community Council To Be Dissolved |
Principal role is to be taken over by Brentford Voice
A proposal has been made for the dissolution of Brentford Community Council (BCC) which for many years has monitored town planning issues and development proposals in the area. This task was aided by the extensive expertise of Denis Browne who was the Chair of the Planning Consultative Committee of the BCC. When Denis retired from this position last year, the BCC lost the benefit of his knowledge. At the same time, Martin Case, Vice-Chair of the BCC, had been leading the creation and establishment of Brentford Voice (BV) as an organisation. BV has a number of specialist committees, one of which is its Planning Committee led by Jim Storrar, who has an expertise similar to that of Denis Browne and has lived in the area for over 40 years. In proposing the move Stephen Browne, Chair of the BCC said, “ln practice, since the retirement of Denis Browne, the BCC has found it increasingly difficult to fulfil its role. Consequently, the BCC has become effectively limited to supporting and reiterating the good work and lead of Jim Storrar, on whom the BCC has become equally dependent. “For these reasons, I, as Chair of the BCC, together with the other members of the BCC Committee, perceive BV as the natural successor to the BCC.” The Dissolution Meeting of BCC members to be held via Zoom on 11 October at 7.30pm. He is encouraging present members of the BCC to join and support Brentford Voice assisting BV in its ongoing efforts regarding not only planning but other causes as well. A statement from BV says, “Brentford Voice would like to commend the BCC on the outstanding work they have carried out over many years in keeping a watchful eye and challenging the Local Authority and developers where inappropriate developments have come forward, and on local issues which would be detrimental to the wellbeing of Brentford’s residents. BV will endeavour to continue this great work. “We speak up for our local community and residents, and in doing so we hope to promote a sense of civic pride. We also want to build a stronger, more active, and more engaged community through our work and aim to have a more inclusive representation of our residents. “Therefore we would welcome and encourage BCC members to join Brentford Voice, and to work with us as we aspire to have a louder local voice, a strong local presence and to make a difference where it matters.” You can join Brentford Voice by following this link. It is planning to hold an AGM on Thursday 28 October and to combine it with a ‘Local Conversation’ with the AGM at 7.30 pm and the ‘Local Conversation’ following at 8 pm.
September 24, 2021 |