Myra and pooch rattle through what's happening in Brentford

Well it's alright for some, off sunning themselves in the Balearic Islands and the fresh air of the lowlands of Norfolk; which is where my erstwhile fellow Brentford ward Councillors, Mel and Guy have departed for the half term break. So I am again having the pleasure of dashing off the blog!
Still that also means I have Brentford ward and all its wonders to share with those lucky enough to live here! I have noted on my 'perambulations' around the manor that I am in good company, as there are lots of us Brentfordians around enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. So nice to see so many parents and children enjoying themselves in our local parks and amenities.
The pooch and I have covered Gunnersbury, Carville North & South, Watermans, and Boston Manor parks, and managed to trespass across into Syon ward to take tea in Syon park (which meant sitting outside their cafe (on the only day it rained) with friend Mary and the pooch. Mary confided to me that Brentford FC may actually win Saturday after next at home against Leeds, (but she would say that as a BFC season ticket holder.) She will be sure to see Cllr Mel there too, as another faith holding BFC fan... Good luck you Bees!
Now less of the social pleasures, particularly after reading Cllr 'Rambling' Lambert's mammoth blog last week, I was determined to keep this one short and sweet; but we are Councillors after all, and we always seems to have plenty to say! But I will try and be concise...
Fly tipping! Yes it's still happening isn't it? Inconsiderate residents surreptitiously dumping mattresses, household goods etc. Waste & Recycling, yes still not perfect, but getting there (and most of us seem to agree the system is an improvement.) Potholes, road needs sweeping, pavements need repair, the detritus of everyday life. Then PLEASE contact our improved Customer Relations team, who are working hard, together with Councillors towards making the registering of complaints quicker and easier.
So contact Complaints
or if you are not on-line or cannot navigate the web site, then call 020 8583 5211 or write to - Customer Relations, London Borough of Hounslow, Lampton Rd, Hounslow TW3 4DN
NEW ROAD LAYOUT (Transport for London)
Windmill Rd/ A4 Great West Rd - Appears some general confusion to residents and drivers as to the way this junction has been redesigned. I did on notification of TfL's intentions give them the benefit of my vast superior local knowledge, but weeks of late night drilling, disruption and bemusement as to how it was all going to work has not been a surprise. Am in contact with our local Traffic team to investigate after residents have complained.
1st phrase opened last weekend of this new development of private, rental, social housing site. Opening began with the potential sale of 70 private houses. By the way, no local Councillors were invited to the opening last Saturday, so please direct any questions to the Notting Hill Housing Trust/Sales Office on site!
Negotiations ongoing on future site redevelopment of the Art Centre. Meanwhile films, streamed live theatre productions, recovery from expansive half term children's' events
and as always residents from Hounslow, Acton, Chiswick, Richmond, Ealing and others, who envy Brentford's art scene!
Meeting on EXPANSION OF HEATHROW Thursday 26 October at Montague Hall, Hounslow - think our MP RUTH CADBURY will be in attendance.
Something we are all too aware of... but here's an opportunity to 'take a deep breath' and support both Hounslow Council and (Brentford Air Quality) group by contributing to the Council's Consultation on air quality action plan consultation - ends 17 December 2017. If you have a problem with this website, please contact: Surinder Suri, Team Leader
Many objections to this outdoor music scene, after last poorly managed event. Still out for negotiations.

Looking good - new cafe will hopefully be open in February. Lots of work still on going, but getting there...go and have a wander. Neighbouring residents not happy about amount of licensing events. Hope we can work out something amicable for all!
Meeting taking place soon with West London Mental Health as to the intended usage of the Lodge (sits at the rear of Brentford GP surgery), which was previously used for patients with dementia, but has sat empty for too long.
Former ALFA LAVAL building Brook Lane North
Planning objection put forward by Hounslow Council to remove current illuminated advertising board by new owners, who have appealed to Secretary of State and a Public Enquiry brought forward by High Court for the appeal to be redetermined. (Cllr Mel and myself will be speaking) on 21 November 2017 at Brentford Free church commencing 10am. All support welcomed!
REMEMBRANCE DAY Sunday 12 November at 10.30am
Taking place at Brentford Library, all are very welcome to this moving and respectful event to honour our brave and lost Brentford residents. Refreshments are usually available at next door's Inverness Club. The damaged library wall has been repaired, the loud speaker ordered, and the gardens and building tidied and made ready to respect this important event.
If I've missed something you wanted to know about, let me know; but if you can wait until the next Brentford blog, I am sure Mr BLOG himself aka Cllr Guy Lambert, will be on the case!
Enjoy Brentford
Councillor Guy Lambert Myra Savin
September 15, 2017