Makeover and Kitchen Expansion Just the Start for the Weir

Canalside gastropub has plans to open boutique hotel

Thw Weir Brentford
Picture: The Weir


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May 12, 2023

A popular Brentford gastropub has submitted proposals to upgrade and expand its existing premises as part of an ambitious strategy for the venue.

The Weir, which is at 24 Market Place, is seeking permission (P/2023/1205) to remove and replace an existing single story building to build a new kitchen extension with associated parapet screening. In addition, new glazing is to be installed in the existing main buildings and an infill will create an additional 43sq metres of extra space. The work will allow the existing first floor kitchen to be relocated to a purpose-built ground level unit.

Management says of the garden area ‘although lovely could benefit from an upgrade’ and therefore it wants to put up two customer dining pergolas, a series of open faced customer huts, a centrally located stretch tent and make changes to the decked area.

It is stated in the application that the materials to be used will be sympathetic to the site and complement the existing building and the designs for the new outdoor structures will provide a significant visual improvement to the site.

The pergolas are to be constructed of softwood and covered with transparent polycarbonate sheeting, with the provision of lighting and heating while the booths will have a felt or timber shingle roof.

The pub is hoping that these improvements will underpin the viability of the establishment going forward in way remains a difficult time for the hospitality business which has seen many of Brentford’s pubs close.

Jan Birck, Finance & Operations Manager at The Weir told us that the intention is to ultimately to convert the freed up upstairs space into to a nine bedroom boutique hotel but this is not part of the current planning application.

It is not anticipated that the pub would need to be closed for any length of time while this work was taking place.


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