Proposal for a new toucan crossing
Transport for London are asking for your views by 14th February on their proposed changes to the A4 junction with Clayponds Avenue which consist of:
- Widening the carriageway and existing central pedestrian island
- Creating shared areas for pedestrians and cyclists around the crossing points
- Adjusting the junction’s kerb lines and improving the road markings to encourage correct lane use
- Installing two additional traffic signals, to help increase driver awareness of the A4 crossings
- Providing cyclist drop kerbs (flush with the road) on Clayponds Avenue and Clayponds Lane so cyclists can easily join / leave the shared footway
- Improving the lighting at the two A4 crossing points (under the M4) to enhance the environment for pedestrians and cyclists
While completing these works, TfL would also take the opportunity to upgrade the junction’s existing signal equipment

Visit the consultation on TfL's website (with larger map).
January 12, 2016