TfL postpones junction improvements to reconsider
A consultation of modernising traffic signal and making improvments to the junction between the A4 and Ealing Road has been postponed.
TfL received 170 responses including from Hounslow and Ealing boroughs, both of which expressed concern over the proposals
Hounslow and Ealing Cycling Campaign both objected to the proposal due to the lack of safe cycle routes across the roundabout.
49% of respondents supports the proposals, with 39% opposed.TfL will postpone the scheme and look at alternative design options. The traffic signal modernisation team have agreed to maintain the signals for as long as possible to give time to develop an alternative option.

Below are a selection of answers to concerns raised:
The cycling facilities along the A4, in particular at this junction need to be improved. There needs to be continuous segregated cycle lanes.
Cycle tracks run on both sides of the A4 between Syon Lane and Chiswick roundabout, it terminates on the northern side between Ealing Road and Windmill Road where a continuous track cannot be provided due to petrol station and service road access requirements. This design is proposing to make improvements outside the petrol station which would include widening and providing a shared pedestrian and cyclist area to improve continuity.
The cycle tracks work well but require cyclists to share the areas around junctions. There is not enough space at the junction to provide full segregated facilities.
Improve pedestrian crossings across the roundabout to travel from Ealing towards Brentford, and on the west side of the junction
The existing crossing on the east side of the junction would be relocated to allow for the elongated roundabout design. The crossing would be changed from a staggered crossing to a straight across to provide a direct route for pedestrians and cyclists. We considered taking pedestrians through the centre of the roundabout, but as this is not a consistent crossing approach on the A4 it may not be anticipated by drivers and was therefore discounted on safety grounds. In addition, the stop lines on the A4 would need to be set back which would increase delays at the junction. The M4 piers supporting the structure, combined with the existing petrol station access, gives very little opportunity to provide a new signalised crossing in close proximity to the west of junction. We expect that pedestrians would make the small detour to the signalised crossing point provided east of the junction to cross.
Would the proposals create a build-up of traffic at the junction?
During the preliminary design stage we had to compare our proposals against a scenario rather than an existing situation, given that the signals need to be replaced and safety guidance would not allow the existing arrangement to be re-installed. We therefore predicted what would happen if we left the junction as it is and added in an additional red phase to remove the existing conflict between traffic coming from Ealing Road and traffic coming off the roundabout. Such a layout would have a greater impact on traffic compared to the scheme we consulted on.
The consultation does not mention a history of accidents at the junction; does the layout need to be changed?
Yes, this is not a road safety scheme. The objectives of this scheme are to modernise the signal equipment that are at the end of their effective life and are in need of replacement. In most cases this would be on a like for like basis. However, to meet the most up to date signal policies, the method of control at this junction needs to be changed to remove conflict points that currently exist.
Leave the bollards in place to stop HGVs from mounting the kerbs when turning from the A4 into Ealing Road
We would implement measures to ensure that footways cannot be mounted.
The junction where Clayponds Lane/Clayponds Avenue crosses the A4 is dangerous
The Clayponds junction is a cross road arrangement which exits between the M4 piers. Due to the constraints of the M4, there is very little opportunity to change the arrangement at the junction. We are aware of the number of collisions at this junction, many which include shunt (nose to tail) type collisions on approach to the signals and change of lane collisions. We are proposing to make changes at the junction which include installing new LED signals. These would enhance the visibility of the signal equipment and reduce the number of shunts occurring. We will review opportunities to mitigate against vehicles changing lanes through the junction as part of this scheme.
December 18, 2015