Traffic delays likely in the local area
A4 Great West Road, Brentford |
16 November — 17 November Lane closure |
Delays likely due to Streetworks
Wp Block Closure Wb# Testing Lights& Bollards, Bulk Clean & Change, Sweeping, Gully & Beany Block Cleaning, Barrier Works, Grass Cutting, Sign Cleaning, Debris Patrols. Nearside Lane Closures With Offside Lane Running - All Vehicle Movements Maintained. E/B. 2200 - 0500. at A4 |
Responsibility: Transport For London |
EToN status: Planned work about to start |
A4 Great West Road, Brentford |
16 November — 17 November Lane closure |
Delays likely due to Streetworks
Safe Access To Underground Bt Footway And Carriageway Boxes For Fibre Cabling And Jointing Works In Existing Duct. Required For New Customer Connection. at A4 |
Responsibility: BT |
EToN status: Planned work about to start |
A4 Great West Road, Brentford |
17 November — 18 November Lane closure |
Delays likely due to Streetworks
Ccp Block Closure Wb# Testing Lights& Bollards, Bulk Clean & Change, Sweeping, Gully & Beany Block Cleaning, Barrier Works, Grass Cutting, Sign Cleaning, Debris Patrols. Offside Lane Closures With Nearside Lane Running - All Vehicle Movements Maintained. W/B. 2200 - 0500. at A4 |
Responsibility: Transport For London |
EToN status: Advanced planning |
A4 Great West Road, Isleworth |
16 November — 17 November Lane closure |
Delays likely due to Streetworks
Safe Access To Underground Bt Footway And Carriageway Boxes For Fibre Cabling And Jointing Works In Existing Duct. Required For New Customer Connection. at A4 |
Responsibility: BT |
EToN status: Planned work about to start |
M4 |
16 November — 17 November Road closure |
Delays likely due to Streetworks
22:00hrs To 05:00hrs: Carriageway Closure, Eastbound For Drainage Works. Diversion To Jct 1 Via The A312 And A4. at M4, Jct 3 To Jct 1. |
Responsibility: Highways England |
EToN status: Planned work about to start |
M4 |
16 November — 17 November Road closure |
Delays likely due to Streetworks
22:00hrs To 05:00hrs: Carriageway Closure, Westbound For Drainage Works. Diversion To Jct 3 Via The A312 And A4. at M4, Jct 3 To Jct 1. |
Responsibility: Highways England |
EToN status: Planned work about to start |
A4 Great West Road, Brentford |
17 November — 18 November Lane closure |
Delays likely due to Streetworks
Ccp Block Closure Wb# Testing Lights& Bollards, Bulk Clean & Change, Sweeping, Gully & Beany Block Cleaning, Barrier Works, Grass Cutting, Sign Cleaning, Debris Patrols. Offside Lane Closures With Nearside Lane Running - All Vehicle Movements Maintained. W/B. 2200 - 0500. at A4 |
Responsibility: Transport For London |
EToN status: Advanced planning |
M4 |
17 November — 18 November Road closure |
Delays likely due to Streetworks
22:00hrs To 05:00hrs: Carriageway Closure, Eastbound For Drainage Works. Diversion To Jct 1 Via The A312 And A4. at M4, Jct 3 To Jct 1. |
Responsibility: Highways England |
EToN status: Planned work about to start |
M4 |
17 November — 18 November Road closure |
Delays likely due to Streetworks
22:00hrs To 05:00hrs: Carriageway Closure, Westbound For Drainage Works. Diversion To Jct 3 Via The A312 And A4. at M4, Jct 3 To Jct 1. |
Responsibility: Highways England |
EToN status: Planned work about to start |
November 17, 2015