Advice on preventing bicycle theft and upcoming free bike marking

Register it
Get your bike security marked and registered at It’s a highly effective, visible deterrent
to bike thieves. They know that if they are caught with
a registered bike, the owner can be traced and they will be
arrested. is another free site
where you can register your bike’s details.
Free bike marking takes place on:
7th @ 09:00-11:00—8 Kew Bridge Road, TW8
11th @ 12:00– 14:00 —GWQ Estate, Ealing Road
19th @ 12:00– 14:00—Brentford Fountain Leisure
Centre, TW8
25th @ 09:00-11:00– Travelodge, High St, Brentford, TW8
Record it
Remember to record details of your bike such as the frame
number (normally found underneath the bike between the
pedals or where the back wheel slots in), the BikeRegister number plus any other distinguishing features, and take a
Double-lock it
It can take thieves as little as few seconds to cut through
some locks, so use two good quality locks, at least one of
which is a D-lock.
Lock the lot
Lock the frame and both wheels to the cycle parking stand.
Secure it
Secure your bike as close to the stand as possible to give
any thieves little or no room to manoeuvre.
Remove the removable bits
Take parts that are easy to remove with you. Or use locking
skewers or nuts which can increase security by securing the
bike's components to the frame permanently, making it
difficult for thieves to steal detachable parts.
Park secure
Lock your bike at recognised secure cycle parking. It should
be well lit and covered by CCTV. Remember safety begins at home.
Take the same care to lock your bike securely at home as
you would on the street.
Check ownership
Ask for proof of ownership and check the bike frame number
on the Bike Checker at
Act fast
If your bike has been stolen, contact the Met as soon as
possible. Give us your frame number, BikeRegister number,
a photo and any other details and make sure you update
the status on BikeRegister. The sooner we know, the sooner
we can act, which might stop it being sold on.
April 4, 2018