Local Hotspots for Burglary, Thefts and ASB

March Policing update on Brentford ward


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Brentford Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT)
(aka NPT Neighbourhood Policing Team)

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020 8721 2533
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Metropolitan Police

As part of the regular IBAF meetings (Isleworth and Brentford Action Forums) local police produce reports on police and criminal activity for each ward. Brentford ward appears below. See Syon ward or the above link for other wards and attend IBAF to hear the reports presented and discussed.

Brentford Ward
Ward Supervisor – PS Andy Pugh
Dedicated Ward Officer – PC Dinesh Pillay
Dedicated Ward Officer – PC Lee Davies-Gonzalez
Dedicated Ward Officer – PCSO Angela Mirzai

Since the last IBAF meeting in JAN 2018 the team have continued to patrol hotspot areas. No new Neighbourhood Watch Schemes have been set up however the team are keen for any residents who are interested in joining.
The burglary figures show January as 19 and February figures have not been released at this point.

Theft from Motor Vehicle
Since the last IBAF meeting the team have liaised with the Council who are now looking in their budget to see if CCTV can be fitted at Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre.
The team is still patrolling this area.
The Theft from Motor Vehicle figures show January as 7 and February figures have not been released at this point.

Anti Social Behaviour (ASB)
Since the last meeting the team have identified benches in Clayponds Estate used by drug dealers to conduct their business from. From previous experience removing benches disrupts their activity and decreases the ASB from that area. The team have spoken to the council who have agreed to remove the benches due to the above however after sending a map of the exact location the council have decided not to remove the benches.
A reasonable excuse has not been given by the council and this is only going to upset the residents who have to face this on a daily basis.

We have a number of other issues that we are monitoring:

Haverfields Estate, Brentford
Since the last meeting the team have been working with, Hounslow Estate Enforcement Officers and the Council to help stop a resident causing ASB.
The team along with Hounslow Estate Enforcement Officers and Hounslow Council are still engaging with the residents in that area who have expressed their concerns.
Delivery mopeds are still driving on the pavement and depending on the location CCTV have identified the offending vehicles and the offences.

The blocks of flats along Green Dragon Lane, Brentford have seen increase with drug users and possible dealers working from the top floor staircase.
Hounslow Council will need to install CCTV to assist with detecting best times for Police to disrupt their activities.

GWQ Estate, Ealing Road
The team have identified that the bike sheds are being targeted at the moment and will be holding a bike marking event as well as providing crime prevention advice in the near future.

Neighbourhood Watch and Ward Panel Members
The team are still looking to increase the Neighbourhood Watch Schemes on the Ward and Ward Panel members. Any resident interested can contact the team by email (Brentford.SNT@met.police.uk ).

Clayponds Estate, Ealing Road
Since the last meeting the team have identified benches in Clayponds Estate used by drug dealers to conduct their business from. From previous experience removing benches disrupts their activity and decreases the ASB from that area.
The team have spoken to the council who have agreed to remove the benches due to the above however after sending a map of the exact location the council have decided not to remove the benches.
A reasonable excuse has not been given by the council and this is only going to upset the residents who have to face this on a daily basis.
The team will continue to monitor and conduct weapon sweeps in the area to remove weapons used by these drug dealers on the Estate.
If you have any information regarding drug activity please contact the team on Brentford.SNT@met.police.uk, Hounslow Homes Neighbourhood Wardens on 020 8583 6310 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

St Paul’s Recreation Ground , Lateward Road
The team has liaised with the Council due to the park area being very dark. This area will attract drug dealers and sexual predators as they can take advantage to use this area as cover. The Council have agreed they will increase lighting in the park area. The team haven’t received anymore updates from the Council regarding the increase of lighting.
The team will continue to monitor this area.

Twitter/ Airspace (Resident Contacts)
Ward contacts are still increasing and also the team Twitter account followers (@MPSBrentford).

Messages are still being sent including crime prevention and good news stories in Brentford which has received excellent feedback from residents

Residents can subscribe online subscribe online or email brentford.SNT@met.police.uk with first name, surname, post code and email.

March 15, 2018

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