Policing update on Brentford ward

As part of the regular IBAF meetings (Isleworth and Brentford Action Forums) local police produce reports on police and criminal activity for each ward. Brentford ward appears below. See
the above link for other wards and attend IBAF to hear the reports presented and discussed.
Brentford Ward
Ward Supervisor – PS Andy Pugh
Dedicated Ward Officer – PC Dinesh Pillay
Dedicated Ward Officer – PC Lee Davies-Gonzalez
Dedicated Ward Officer – PCSO Angela Mirzai
Since the last IBAF meeting the team have increased presence in hotspot areas and adjusted shifts to match peak burglary times to tackle this issue. PC Pillay visited local businesses along with the Crime Prevention Officer to advise on security measures to help protect vulnerable businesses who may be targeted by thieves. PC PIllay has also set up three Neighbourhood Watch Schemes in the problem areas and have built good relations with the Coordinators ensuring a stronger community presence. GWQ Estates is still a hotspot, however Premier Inn, A4, Brentford is a bigger concern. The team make a visit to the area of a burglary victim as a priority to identify any possible witnesses and provide reassurance to the other residents. All this hard work from the team has resulted in a sharp decline in Burglary.
The burglary figures show November at 26, December at 15, and January so far at 12.
Our Hotspot areas are Premier Inn, A4, Brentford and GWQ Estates, Ealing Road, Brentford.
Theft from Motor Vehicle
PC Pillay liaised with Intel Unit at Hounslow and identified problem areas which are constantly being targeted. The team have made regular patrols and have shown a high visibility presence in vulnerable areas. PC Pillay and PC Davies-Gonzalez made regular visits to individuals known to Police for causing theft crime to rise in the area. PC Pillay had also set up Street Briefings in hotspot areas which resulted in residents coming forward and informing Officers of the good work seen in the area. Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre is a very big concern to the team. The lack of security and CCTV in the car park makes it a target to thieves. The team will continue to monitor and keep a record of incidents occurring there. The team would like Hounslow Council to arrange a meeting to discuss how this can be resolved as this has been an issue for many years now and it has become local knowledge to residents and thieves. PC Pillay has spoken to staff at Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre however they feel Hounslow Council are responsible for the car park not them. Late night patrols in this area along with community engagement have lead to another sharp decrease in theft from motor vehicle offences on a whole.
The Theft from motor vehicle figures show November at 31, December at 13 and January so far at 13.
Our hotspots areas are Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre, Brook Lane North and Layton Road.
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)
The team have worked closely with Hounslow Estate Enforcement Officers to monitor problem areas namely Green Dragon Estate and Clayponds Estate.
The team have included Green Dragon Estate as part of their patrols which have seen a visible decrease of ASB to the area. New reports are showing that the ASB is now occurring within the blocks especially on the top floor staircase of each block with drug paraphernalia such as used needles and crack pipes being found Hounslow Estate Enforcement Officers on a regular basis. Hounslow Council to consider CCTV on the top floor staircase of each block to help monitor and identify peak times.
Clayponds Estate is a challenging estate to Police as there is limited CCTV and many exit routes which is common knowledge to drug dealers and drug buyers. A Search Warrant issued by the courts was executed by Police at an address of a drug dealer known to the Police, Hounslow Council and residents. Two shotguns and a large amount of wraps containing class A drugs were seized. All the occupants were arrested and interviewed. Police have provided Hounslow Council with the information needed to start the eviction process to remove the problem from the estate. This eviction will send a strong message to the rest of the drug dealers in the area. We will continue to monitor this estate and execute weapon sweeps in the near future. Since the arrests the residents have expressed their thanks to Police as this alone has decreased the visible presence of the drug dealing group on the estate.
As before on the last report Hounslow Council needs to install more CCTV, remove benches used by the drug dealers and respond quicker to evict residents causing misery to other residents on the estate.
We have a number of other issues that we are monitoring:
Haverfields Estate, Brentford
The team along with Hounslow Estate Enforcement Officers and Hounslow Council are still engaging with the residents in that area who have expressed their concerns.
Delivery mopeds have been identified as causing the latest ASB by riding on the footpath on a regular basis. The team have spoken to the registered keepers and issued Section 59 Police Reform Act warnings as well as processed for court consideration. The second Section 59 warning will result in a seizure of their vehicle preventing further incidents. PC Davies-Gonzalez is the lead for this issue and monitors information that comes to light.
The blocks of flats along Green Dragon Lane, Brentford have seen increase with drug users and possible dealers working from the top floor staircase. Hounslow Council will need to install CCTV to assist with detecting best times for Police to disrupt their activities.
GWQ Estate, Ealing Road
The team has worked with GWQ Estate Management to provide security advice to residents on the estate to deter thieves looking break into vehicles. PC Pillay has set up a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in this estate to help bring this community stronger. The team as well as GWQ Estate Management have worked very hard by showing an increased high visibility presence deterring thieves from stepping on to the Estate.
The team have indentified that the bike sheds are being targeted at the moment and will be holding a bike marking event as well as providing crime prevention advice in the near future.
The crime reports have declined in this area.
Neighbourhood Watch and Ward Panel Members
PC Pillay has set up three Neighbourhood Watch Schemes near to each other and share similar problems. PCSO Mirzai has set up a further two. Working with the coordinators has helped decrease ASB in the area and improved community relations.
Coordinators have been included in the Brentford Ward Panel and their input will be much appreciated on tackling ASB.
The team are still looking to increase the Neighbourhood Watch Schemes on the Ward and can be contacted by email (Brentford.SNT@met.police.uk).
Sainsbury’s GWQ, Ealing Road
The team have included this supermarket as part of their patrols and reports have decreased since the last report. This supermarket is no longer a hotspot for shoplifters.
Clayponds Estate, Ealing Road
Clayponds Estate remains a hotspot area for drug dealing and drug taking. Recent arrests and seizure of drugs has decreased the ASB however this is an up and down Estate with problems increasing and dealers being arrested. Hounslow Council are now well aware of the problem some of the residents are causing/ bringing the ASB in the area. The team are expecting these people to be evicted from their Council property and awaiting Hounslow Council to carry out this task.
The team will continue to monitor and conduct weapon sweeps in the area to remove weapons used by these drug dealers on the Estate.
If you have any information regarding drug activity please contact the team on Brentford.SNT@met.police.uk, Hounslow Homes Neighbourhood Wardens on 020 8583 6310 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
St Paul’s Recreation Ground, Lateward Road
During the winter months the team hasn’t received any reports regarding ASB in the park.
The team have patrolled the area during the day and late evenings however nothing suspicious has been seen happening within the park.
The team have noticed that the park is very dark at night and we would recommend Hounslow Council to install lighting within for safety issues when walking through the park. This will also deter anyone from using the park for ASB in the future as they won’t be able to use the darkness as cover.
The team will continue to monitor this area.
Twitter/ Airspace (Resident Contacts)
The team have seen an increase with ward contacts with the figure now at over 2500 and rising.
The team Twitter account (@MPSBrentford) have now over 440 followers.
Regular emails are being sent including crime prevention and good news stories in Brentford which has received excellent feedback from residents.
Residents can subscribe online subscribe online or email brentford.SNT@met.police.uk with first name, surname, post code and email.
January 31, 2018