Policing updates on Brentford and Syon wards

Policing in Brentford
PCSO Puttyraj has left the team after 14 years and has joined Hounslow Homes as a warden. There has not been a replacement allocated at this stage.
Priority 1: Burglary -
We now have over 410 households (79% of the target area) have signed up to ‘Smartwater’. The aim is to have an 85% take up. The roads have been identified by MET TRACE with our central department who are overseeing this. It can be purchased through your local NHW co-ordinator at a reduced cost. The team is looking to increase the number of Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators to help increase awareness and intelligence.
Priority 2: Theft from motor vehicles
A number of key venues have been identified and the team are visiting each and giving advice. Premier Inn has been visited too and agreed to put up barriers to stop moped users and cars getting access to their underground car park. Victims are advised to remove valuables if the vehicle is left unattended.
Priority 3: Street drinking and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)
Patrols around problem areas have helped decrease the anti-social behaviour. The current area of concern is Boulton House and reports of youths loitering and smoking drugs in the block.
We have a number of other issues that we are monitoring:
Netley Road, Brentford
The Brentford and Syon teams, along with Hounslow Homes Neighbourhood Wardens, have engaged with the residents in that area who have expressed their concerns. Brentford NPT is taking steps to disrupt their activities, which have in turn reduced the number of ASB issues in that area. This has involved plain clothes officers.
ESSO On The Run, near Chiswick Roundabout
The manager at ESSO Petrol Station has been visited by the DWO and Ward Supervisor to discuss the ongoing offences. Police continue the community engagement initiative whereby a member of Brentford NPT will be in this area engaging the public, providing crime prevention advice and showing police presence to deter thieves, which should decrease the crime.
Watermans Art Centre
We are still receiving reports of youths using the underground car park causing ASB, the team are trying to identify the offenders.
Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) and Ward Panel Members
Brentford NPT are recruiting Neighbourhood Watch and Ward Panel Members to help identify problem areas. Brentford NPT is looking to hold a Ward Panel meeting in the New Year and will be sending out information to residents. The team has started to make contact with previous NHW co-ordinators. The intention is to get the local PCSO (Syon) to visit and provide some help and guidance.
Sainsbury’s GWQ
This supermarket has been having issues with shoplifters. Brentford NPT has worked with the manager to help identify suspects and secure convictions at court. Currently four of the persons identified are serving prison sentences. The team is due to visit the prison to put further offences to them.
The team has recently received reports of drug dealing and ASB around Layton Road, Temeraire Place, Boulton House and Netley Road. If you have any information please contact the team or contact Crimestoppers.
St Paul’s Recreation Ground
Reports of ASB in the evenings around the park during the summer but these appear to have declined with the colder weather
The winter newsletter has have just arrived and awaits distribution, they will be left in key locations throughout the ward.
Policing in Syon
The team continues to monitor all reported crime and have identified areas involved in ASB.
Priority 1: Burglary
Burglary priority boxes are identified on a daily basis and officers are tasked to these areas. All addresses are visited and local enquiries are carried out to identify any leads and witnesses
Priority 2: Theft from motor vehicles
Motor vehicle crime still remains a high priority. We are using high visibility patrols as well as plain clothes are in our key areas.
Priority 3: Street drinking and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)
The team has identified that currently the main area for ASB is around Charlton House and Albany Parade, Brentford. This involves street drinking, drug use in the stairwells and bin areas.
The team is working closely with Brentford ward, as a number of individuals identified are known to both wards.
We have increased patrols and are enforcing the controlled drinking zone (CDZ). With the help of Hounslow Homes we are looking to identify the persistent offenders, we will then be looking to take positive action. So far the team has been able to identify one male who was wanted and he is currently in prison.
We have a number of other issues that we are monitoring:
Charlton House / Albany Parade
We are still getting complaints regarding drinking around the benches on Albany parade, which we are working to tackle.
The team has started to use a new messaging system to provide regular updates on ward issues.
Syon Park
There has been an increase in theft from motor vehicles but there has been a reduction in complaints regarding ASB by youths and vehicles driving recklessly.
There has been a reduction in investigations into shoplifting.
There have been reports of ASB in Townfield Way, which resulted in two vehicle seizures and a quantity of drugs being recovered. Intelligence is being gained with a view to applying for a warrant.
West Middlesex Hospital
Possible suspect for bike thefts identified, enquiries continue. A second male was detained by security and arrested for theft of pedal cycle. The team attended the recent open day and engaged with staff and patients and marked over twenty bikes, which have been registered with bike safe.
The winter newsletter has have just arrived and awaits distribution, they will be left in key locations throughout the ward.
November 17, 2016