Latest police update from Brentford ward

Burglary - We’ve seen a decrease in the number of burglaries in December and January after quite high levels in the preceding two months. All burglary victims are visited by a PCSO and given crime prevention advice. Neighbouring properties are visited and are also provided with crime prevention advice. Hotspot areas vary according to the intelligence reports and this informs our daily patrols.
Drugs - We’ve conducted a number of drugs warrants as a result of information received from the public. Large quantities of drugs including Class A were seized and destroyed. Proceeds of crime were also seized and several arrests have been made.
Theft From Motor Vehicle - We’ve seen an increase in thefts from motor vehicles. In particular in the Brentford leisure centre car park and Travel Lodge car park. We’ve increased patrols, put up signs and applied for CCTV cameras. Most of the offences are opportunistic. Especially when high value items are left on display.
Current locations of concern:
Greenlawn Lane:
The officers have been conducting regular High Visibility patrols in the area to tackle ASB in its various forms. It’s usually groups congregating during school holidays. This causes some residents concern. We’re also working with Hounslow Homes to manage this.
Haverfield Estate:
We’ve worked in partnership with the estate wardens and managed to reduce of calls coming through re ASB. We are continuing to pay close attention to this area and task officers to conduct regular high visibility patrol.
We’ve conducted a number of drug warrants on the estate and managed to target key suppliers. This has sent out a clear message as we’ve noticed in reduction in ASB and drug related offences.
“Lager” and “Neuk” has been tagged across Brentford. The graffiti from Hounslow are aware and manage to clear it within 48hrs. The CCTV team are also aware and have been asked to contact police as soon as they see anything. We’re currently in the process of sourcing motion sensing cameras from a neighbouring borough. This will allow us to place them in strategic areas that will help increase our chances of catching the culprit or culprits in the act.
A police officer will be presenting this report at the next IBAF (Isleworth Brentford Area Forum on 3rd March at 7:30pm) Other ward reports are available from the agenda.
Graffiti should be reported to Hounslow Highways online or via 020 8583 2000
February 26, 2016