Haverfield, Clayponds, Berkeley House, Old Pound Close and Isleworth BR

Brentford ward
Drug Dealing - We conduct a number of warrants as a result of intelligence from a number of sources within the local community.
Burglary - All burglaries are investigated by ward officers and the immediate vicinity is leaflet dropped by PCSOs. We pay close attention to emerging Hotspots.
Anti-social behaviour - All hotspots are regularly patrolled, and the police CCTV van is regularly deployed to prevent/deter offences. Police monitor issues via Airspace and regularly update victims/informants.
Current locations of concern
Clayponds Estate
The officers have been conducting regular High Visibility patrols in the area to tackle ASB in its various forms. Officers have enforced the CDZ and September 11, 2015 This has made the estate a less attractive venue for street drinking and ASB. We continue to urge residents to call police if they come across any form of ASB. Owing to the seasonal warm weather we have seen an increase in the number of residents and youths frequenting the park. We have increased our patrols to reduce the risk of ASB in the area.
Haverfield Estate
We’ve worked in partnership with the estate wardens and managed to reduce of calls coming through for ASB. We are continuing to pay close attention to this area and task officers to conduct regular high visibility patrol. This has resulted in a number of mopeds being seized as they ride in the estate in an anti social manner. This seems to have worked as the calls to mopeds riding recklessly have reduced. Plain clothes operations have disrupted drug dealing outside the school.
Syon Ward
Priorities set by Ward Panel:
Burglary - All burglaries are investigated by response team officers with follow-up enquiries by PCSOs.
Anti-social behaviour - We monitor issues via ‘Airspace’ (our system to record and action ASB) and regularly update victims/informants. The team works in partnership with Hounslow Housing Wardens to identify ASB and improve the lives of local residents.
Theft from motor vehicle. Targeted patrols to hotspot areas. Recent increase in theft of tools from commercial buildings led to vehicles concerned being fingerprinted to identify suspects.
Current locations of concern:
Old Pound Close, Isleworth
Increased ASB involving drug dealing from youths gathering on the estate. Offenders have been targeted by the team which has resulted in drugs related arrests. Also ASB by one resident causing issues for other residents. The team has been proactive in gathering information which has enabled an injunction to be served on the individual responsible. Positive feedback has been received from residents.
Berkeley House, Brentford
Residents at Berkeley House are concerned about ASB involving drug dealing. The male concerned has subsequently been arrested, awaiting charge for public order and drugs related offences. The team are requesting the courts issue him with a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) which will exclude him from the location and give the team greater powers to deal with any future incidents of ASB committed by him. Hounslow Homes Wardens and the team are working together to monitor any recurrence of ASB.
Isleworth BR Station
Isleworth BR Station which is adjacent to our ward has issues with street drinkers. The team is conducting early morning & evening high visibility patrols in these areas, enforcing the Controlled Drinking Zone as necessary. The team has also conducted Licensing visits to off licenses in the locality to remind them of their responsibilities.
We have started a regular, weekly surgery in the post office in Brentford High Street. This is every Thursday from midday until 1pm. It gives anybody the chance to meet their neighbourhood team and let us know of any issues.
September 10, 2015