Street drinking and anti-social behaviour

Brentford ward
Priorities set by Ward Panel:
Burglary - All burglaries investigated by response team officers with follow-up enquiries by PCSOs. December saw an increase in these offences compared to the previous three months with 13 recorded.
Drug dealing - The team executes at least 2 court issued drugs search warrants every month coordinated by our sector intelligence officer.
Anti-social behaviour - All hotspots are regularly patrolled, and the police CCTV van is regularly deployed to prevent/deter offences. Police monitor issues via Airspace (our system to record all reports of ASB) and regularly update victims/informants
Clayponds Estate:
We have recently received a small number complaints of ASB in relation to mopeds riding along the grass on the Clayponds estate. We’ve since increased our High Visibilty Patrols in and around the area. This has had a positive impact.
The dispersal zone runs until the 21st February and there is the option to look to extend it. However, even though there are still some reports, we are not planning to do so at this stage as the problems it was put in place to tackle have significantly decreased.
Haverfield Estate:
We’ve received ASB reports regarding youths congregating in and around the estate smoking cannabis. We’ve worked in partnership with the estate wardens and managed to reduce of calls coming through re ASB. We are continuing to pay close attention to this area and task officers to conduct regular high visibility patrols.
High Street/ Albany Parade:
The team has been working with Syon ward officers in relation to the issues discussed below. This has been to tackle reports of ASB, street drinking and drug use. This combined approach from both teams and helped to improve issues in this area, but the work continues. We have put in place a plan to have regular highly visible patrols in the area to give reassurance and deter those who want to cause ASB.
Syon Ward
Priorities set by Ward Panel:
Burglary - All burglaries investigated by response team officers with follow-up enquiries by PCSOs. We maintain regular patrols using predictive statistics to identify emerging hot-spots.
Theft of Pedal Cycle - Police liaise with STT to carry out bike marking events and provide crime prevention advice to residents, the next bike marking event is on the 22nd January at West Mid Hospital.
Anti-social behaviour - All hotspots are regularly patrolled, and the police CCTV van is regularly deployed to prevent/deter offences. Police monitor issues via Airspace and regularly update victims/informants.
Townfield Way, Isleworth
An ongoing issue with youths riding mopeds. Regular patrols are conducted on the estate to deter these individuals and catch those committing offences. These patrols have resulted in one of the offending mopeds being seized under Section 59 Police Reform Act and several individuals being stopped and cannabis warnings being issued. Local residents inform me that things have improved however the team will be continuing patrols in this area.
Brentford High Street/Albany Parade
Over the festive period there has been an increase in street drinking and general ASB. Together with the Brentford SNT a daily patrol plan has been put in place to deter and deal with street drinking and reduce ASB. As part of Op Big Wing on 20th November, Syon SNT conducted a street briefing in the area, giving out Crime Prevention leaflets to local businesses. The increased SNT activity has resulted in several arrests for Possession of Drugs and 1 for assault as well as several confiscations of alcohol from individuals who were drinking in the street. This has had a positive impact on the area and the immediate surroundings with the number of ASB calls substantially decreasing.
Isleworth BR Station
Isleworth BR Station which is adjacent to our ward has issues with street drinkers. This is having a detrimental effect to residents on our Ward. Drinkers are congregating around the bus stops at the top of St Johns Road,
next to Barclays Bank and also at the rear of the parade of shops towards Linkfield Road. There have also been reports of drinkers at the rear of Deepwell Close. The SNT have been patrolling this area with officers from Isleworth and Osterley teams. As part of Op Big Wing on 22nd January the SNT will be targeting this area to carry out licensing checks and enforce the CDZ.