New Attempt Being Made to Demolish Vine Lodge

Developer wants to build flats on site of historic Isleworth house

Vine Lodge. Picture: Facebook


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May 11, 2023

A new planning application (P/2023/1409) has been submitted to demolish Vine Lodge on Church Road in Isleworth to build flats.

The property was the subject of previous bid for redevelopment which failed in March of last year after strong objections from local residents and resident associations. The house is within the Spring Grove Conservation Area.

The new proposal is for eight self contained flats either one or two bedrooms with solar panels incorporated into the new building. The height of the new two-storey building would be similar to adjoining properties.

Part of the current Vine Lodge date back to the beginning of the nineteenth century and are believed to be the only surviving workers’ housing within the former Davies Estate.

The more expensive Davies Villas, a number of which still survive in the area, were built for the wealthy, but Vine Lodge was originally a pair of gardeners’ cottages.

A Hounslow Council planner’s report in February 2022 called the previous plan ‘obtrusive and incongruous’ but the applicant, Manoj Khanna who appears to be a Ukrainian citizen according to information at Companies House, is stressing that the new design will use materials similar to the existing building. Mr Khanna’s application gives Vine Lodge as his address. The three bedroom detached house was sold for £1,350,000 in September 2021.

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