Planners recommend permission but bid faces significant opposition

The site of the rowing club at Ferry Quays. Picture: Team Keane
An application by a rowing club for retrospective planning permission to operate from Ferry Quays has been recommended for approval by Hounslow Council planners.
However, given the level of opposition from some locals, it has been decided that the application will be considered by the borough planning committee at a later date.
Team Keane have been operating from the site which is 30 metres south east of the Ferry Quays development.
In its application the club says that prior to its arrival the site was mainly covered with overgrown shrubbery and suffered from littering issues and was therefore an under-utilised previously developed site. It added that the wharf area remains predominantly accessible for public use.
Team Keane was started in 2013 by Paul Keane with the intention of broadening access to rowing. Team Keane Sculling School, which is run from the site is a registered charity. Team Keane Water Sports Club which incorporates all paddle-sport related activities (i.e. rowing, kayaking and canoeing) operates at other sites in Brentford and Chiswick. Team Keane uses charitable funding to support community projects, including athlete sponsorship and hardship funding.
Objectors to the application claim that the presence of the club restricts access to the river and has increased noise and litter. There have been complaints about the lack of notice and consultant when the club took over the site and it has been suggested that the 5.30am start time for activities will be disruptive for residents.
Borough planners are recommending that a temporary two year consent agreed with the applicant to ensure site is redeveloped in line with Legal Agreement to provide Boathouse in the long term should be ratified and that a 6am start time should be imposed.
The application reference is P/2021/1693.
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September 17, 2021