Brentford Developments in the Pipeline |
What is happening with major schemes in the area as of December
Pre-application Proposals Churchill House, 114 Windmill Road, TW8 9NB In November 2018 Merchant Land Ltd. held a public consultation on their proposals for 90 new homes on this light industrial site immediately to the south of St. Faith’s Church. A planning application is expected soon for 74 flats arranged in two buildings of eight and six storeys. Charlton House and Albany House, Albany Road/Ealing Road, TW8 0NG / TW8 0JT
LB Hounslow, as part of the borough-wide programme to regenerate its 171 estates, have been consulting with residents at Charlton House and Albany House to ensure any plans drawn up are inclusive of the needs of the existing households and community. Initial proposals suggest that the about 76 existing homes will be redeveloped to provide up to 225 new homes for social rent. Retail provision will be retained at ground floor level. During the period December 2020 to mid-January 2021 a further consultation will take place on the offers to tenants and leaseholders. A planning application is expected sometime between May and December 2021 with a decision in about March 2022. Planning Applications Awaiting Decision Tesco and Homebase Sites, Osterley
Planning applications for the development of these sites were submitted on 14 September 2020 by the developers, Berkeley Homes/St. Edward. These are a full application for the Homebase site and an outline application for the Tesco site. Further details of the proposals are available at Tesco Superstore (to be known as “Osterley Place”) Homebase (to be known as “Syon Gardens”) Old Police Station , Half Acre and Watermans and Max Factor ("Albany Riverside") Two planning applications were approved in 2018 for193 flats on the Watermans Arts Centre/Max Factor site (P/2017/3372) and the replacement of Watermans (of similar size to existing) plus 105 flats at the Police Station (P/2017/3371). The proposal for the Watermans site was called in by the Secretary of State in April 2018 following objections from Historic England regarding the visual impact from Kew Gardens of its height and massing. The virtual inquiry was held in October 2020 and a decision from the Secretary of State is awaited. B&Q site (“The Fourth Mile”), Larch Drive, Gunnersbury Avenue (Turnham Green ward). A planning application (P/2019/3954) was submitted in October 2019 for a development of up to 16 storeys containing 258 flats, a four star hotel with 219 rooms, community space and office/retail including a 33,000 m 2 “Technology Showcase” for the automotive industry. Royal Mail Delivery Office , 50 London Road, TW8 8AP A planning application (P/2020/1361) was received on 23 April 2020. The proposal is for 69 flats with a target of 40% affordable units, arranged in three blocks up to 6 storeys plus ground floor. Flexible workspace units would be provided at ground floor level. This application has been recommended for approval and was considered by the Planning Committee at their meeting on 3rd December. Rear of Kew Bridge Station Rear of Kew Bridge Station (text amended and deleted from below) A planning application (P/2017/1203) for 30 flats of which 15 would be at "affordable rent" was approved by Planning Committee in December 2018. The development would include 4 studios, 21 x 1 bed, and 5 x 2 bed. The site is cleared. A revised application (P/2020/0757) was approved in October 2020 for a similar size (6 storeys) but with 14 x 1 bed and 16 x 2 bed flats. On 28 October 2020 a further application was submitted to increase the height of the building to 8 storeys plus ground floor. The proposed number of homes is 45, of which 11 will be for “affordable home ownership”. There would be 5 car parking spaces and 84 cycle space. PLANNING APPLICATIONS PERMITTED Citroen (L&Q) site, Capital Interchange Way L&Q submitted a planning application (P/2017/4692) in November 2017 for 425 flats and 5 houses in five blocks of 12-18 storeys. This application was refused in January 2018 and it was then called in for decision by the Mayor of London who permitted the development before the application was then called in by the Secretary of State. An appeal was lodged in April 2019 and a public local inquiry was held in January/February 2020. In September 2020 the Secretary of State permitted the development for a mixed use scheme of 441 homes including 50% affordable housing, flexible uses (within Classes A1, A2, A3 and B1) and a nursery (Class D1). The development will comprise buildings of 12, 13, 16, 17 and 18 storeys in height. Morrisons Supermarket, 228-246 High Street, TW8 0JG Planning permission was originally granted to Essential Living in May 2018 for the redevelopment of the supermarket to include 3,502 sq.m. retail use and 221 private rented flats. L&Q subsequently bought the site and they submitted a revised application for non-material amendments to the number of dwellings (reduced from 221 to 215), dwelling mix, design etc. Following the submission of revised drawings this application was approved by Planning Committee on 9th July 2020. Griffin Park, Braemar Road, TW8 0NT In December 2018 the reserved matters application was approved for Brentford Football Club’s ground. This development is for 75 houses, 102 parking spaces and public open space. Development had to await the club’s move to Brentford Community Stadium after the end of the 2019-20 season. There is now some speculation that the developer, EcoWorld, may submit amendments to the existing planning permission. 1-4 Capital Interchange Way, TW8 0EX On 5 th September 2019 Hounslow Planning Committee resolved to approve an application (P/2018/4117) subject to referral to the Mayor of London, to conditions, and the prior completion of a satisfactory S106 agreement or unilateral undertaking. The proposal is for 420 homes, with commercial and retail floorspace, arranged in three towers of between 8 and 16 storeys. The development was permitted by LB Hounslow in March 2020. Land adjacent to 3 Station Parade, Boston Manor Road, TW8 8DZ In September 2019 a planning application (P/2019/3391) was submitted to build nine flats above new shops on the land next to the Boston Sandwich Bar (best bacon butties in Brentford?) on Boston Manor Road. The building will be three floors above a ground and lower ground floor with two retail units. There will be no parking spaces. The planning application was granted planning permission by LB Hounslow Planning Committee on 1 October 2020. 7-77 Field Lane, TW8 8NA In March 2020 planning permission was granted to LB Hounslow for the erection of a fourth floor to two blocks to create ten flats with balconies. The 10 homes will consist of 4 x 2 bedroom 3-person flats and 6 x 2-bedroom 4-person flats. The scheme will be 100% affordable with all 10 homes being affordable rent.
Sites Under Construction Land south of the High Street, Brentford A detailed permission for Blocks B, C and K and an outline permission for the remainder of the site was approved in April 2015. A Compulsory Purchase Order was approved in March 2018.The development will comprise a mix of 867 residential units, commercial, retail and parking. The car park in Dock Road (Block G) was approved at Planning Committee on 1st August 2019 , subject to the completion of agreements. A planning permission has yet to be issued. A planning application (P/2020/1335) for “non-material amendments” to the approved scheme for Bocks B, C, and K was submitted in April 2020. These amendments arose largely from the needs of Morrisons, the potential occupier of the supermarket on Block B, and they include an upward revision of about 400 sq. m. in the gross area of the supermarket. Plans for the provision of a cinema on the ground floor of Block C appear to be firming up. In June 2020 three planning application were submitted for St Lawrence's Church and the burial grounds. Decisions on these applications are awaited. P/2020/1834 a reserved matters planning application for a 6-storey building (plus ground floor} of 18 flats, landscaping, public open space etc. P/2020/1869 a full planning application for change of use of church,,erection of new building for health and fitness use, construction of swimming pool facilities etc. P/2020/1885 an application for listed building consent to change the use of the Church to retail, business, and community and leisure use, and external and internal alterations to the listed building. Block D , on the western corner of High Street and Catherine Wheel Road, is to be developed by LB Hounslow, having been transferred to them by Ballymore. A planning application ( P/2017/3946 ) for 96 social housing flats and ground floor retail was approved in March 2020. Brentford Community Stadium , Lionel Road South, TW8 9QR The construction of the new stadium for Brentford FC is completed. Outline permission for 910 flats was approved in December 2015 (P/2013/1811). A further application (P/2017/3891) was approved in December 2017 giving 740 flats full planning permission. The capacity of the Stadium will be 17,250 and Brentford FC will play their matches there from the beginning of the 2020/21 season. At the same time London Irish will move from Reading to their new home rugby ground at the Stadium. Duffy Site, Lionel Road South, TW8 0JA Pre-application proposals for the Duffy site were exhibited in December 2018. A planning application (P/2019/0285) was submitted in January 2019 and is still in progress. The 275 flats proposed for the Duffy site would give a total of 1,015 flats for the Brentford Community Stadium development, 105 more than in the original outline permission for the site as a whole. Development on the Duffy site is planned to commence in late 2021. Acton Lodge , 84 London Road, TW8 8JJ Planning permission for 19 local authority houses (between 2-4 storeys) was granted in December 2018. This scheme is a joint venture between Lampton 360 and EcoWorld London. Vehicular access will be from Hawthorn Road, whilst pedestrian and cycle links to London Road will be provided. 1 Commerce Road, TW8 8LE This planning application (P/2018/2011) was approved in January 2019 with a legal agreement. The scheme includes redevelopment with retention and restoration of the Art Deco facade to provide 76 flats and 138 sq. m. of flexible business floorspace. Brentford Lock West Phase 3, Commerce Road, TW8 8LR Phase 3 of the Waterside Places' scheme (P/2018/2168) will deliver seven new buildings ranging in height from 5 to 10 storeys comprising 452 new homes (187 affordable) alongside commercial and retail space. The development will include a new public square as well as a new public footbridge across the canal to Robin Grove Recreation Ground This stretch of the Grand Union Canal will also see towpath improvements, new mooring facilities and the renovation of the existing dock. The existing overhanging warehouse building will be retained following partial reconstruction. A new bus depot will also be constructed as part of the wider Brentford Lock development to replace the existing Metrolink facility. 92-94 Windmill Road, TW8 9NA Planning permission was refused by LB Hounslow in April 2017 for the erection of a part 3, part 4 and part 5 storey building comprising a ground floor office/showroom with the creation of 9 flats and associated parking spaces. The proposal was subsequently permitted on appeal in June 2018. This list is brought to you and kept updated by Brentford Voice, a group interested in all matters related to the future of Brentford and Syon. If you interested in finding out more email The above list is by no means exhaustive. Visit the planning website and search on ward, postcode or road for other applications. Planning appeals can be found at Planning Inspectorate and Mayor of London public hearings here. December 11, 2020 |