Morrisons Redevelopment Gains S106 Agreement |
Reasonable endeavours must be made to provide a temporary food store
Planning permission was granted in April for Essential Living's redevelopment of the site containing Morrisons and the associated car park but this was subject to a complicated S106 agreement which has just been agreed. This includes a provision that the owner shall use "reasonable endeavours" to make an alternative temporary food store avilable during demolition and construction works. If they cannot do this they must make alternative provision such as a shuttle bus, discounted home delivery and alternative pharmacy collection. This must be agreed six months before implementation. A minimum of 22 residential units must be fully wheelchair accessible. St Paul's Recreation Ground improvement works are to be agreed by the council in consultation with friends of St Paul's Recreation Ground which may include restoration of the water fountain, supplying and planing trees and the refurbishment of railings. 14 sch 1 No occupier will be allowed to apply for a parking permit in surrounding CPZs. 11 studios, 19 one bed, 20 two bed, 5 three bed to be rented at a discount to open market rent. The discount applied results in a rent of 55%, 65% or 80% of open market rent of 40% of net houshold income with roughly a third of each units being rented at each discount. Hounslow Council will nominate all tenants. All units will be rented for the first fifteen years after which this restriction is lifted so they could be privately sold. The development will include a new store of 3,502 square metres with a café of 661 square metres, 221 apartments for private rent including 55 at discount and 90 car parking spaces. Visit and enter P/2016/5573 in System Reference. May 29, 2018 |