Friends of St Paul's Rec not impressed with changes

Friends of St Paul's Recreation Ground have organised a public meeting to discuss the amended Morrisons development.
It is at St Paul’s Primary School,
St Paul’s Road, Brentford TW8 0PN on Thursday 23rd March at 7.00pm.
This is an open meeting to anyone with an interest or concerns to the latest proposed scheme from Essential Living for the re-development of the Morrison site. The developers have been invited. All six local councillors have been invited but this meeting conflicts with IBAF so it is unlikely they will attend.
Friends of St Paul's Rec do not
consider the amdendments satisfactorily address the concerns raised in their 3,000-signature petition call and invite people to comment on the application if they haven't already done so. Comments already submitted remain valid.
Read about the amended design and visit FriendsofStPaulsRec
March 19, 2017