Large cranes used to bring in massive steel structures

A new span on site at Brentford Dock. Picture: Resident of The Island Brentford
February 24, 2023
Further progress has been made this week with the arrival of spans for the new footbridge by the Brentford Lock West development.
The large steel structures, which were manufactured in Northern Ireland, had to be lifted by crane.
There are four separate spans and it is expected they will be lifted onto the support structures, which have already been put in place, towards the end of March with the final work on the bridge being completed in early April.
No date has been announced for the official opening of the bridge with will cross the Grand Union Canal, landing in Canal Square on the southwest side, and in Robin Grove recreation ground on the north east side.
This will give residents of the flats easier access to Brentford train station. A path will lead from bridge landing, around the existing play area and its associated fencing, through the recreation space and out to the gate, providing pedestrian accessibility to Robin Grove.

A new span being unloaded at Brentford Dock.
Picture: Resident of The Island Brentford
Phase three of Brentford Lock West will include 452 new homes with 187 affordable, alongside commercial / retail space as well as the new bridge.
A new public square will be fronted by commercial and retail spaces, along with a new frame overhanging the canal which mirrors the existing overhanging warehouse and recognises the industrial heritage of the area.

A closer look at one of the spans. Picture: Resident of The Island Brentford
A detailed landscape design for the bridge was approved by the council in 2020. The landscape around the bridge landing points on both sides of the canal have been designed with the aim of integrating the bridge ramps into the landscape, minimising the visual impact.
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