Developer increases number of flats after securing extra plot of land
Designs for the new building. Picture: Amasia Architects Ltd
Kearns Development Ltd, which owns the vacant site on Station Parade on Boston Manor Road has submitted a revised plan for new housing.
Designs have been drawn up by Amasia Architects Ltd for an outline planning application for a five storey building. The owner already has planning permission (P/2019/3391) to redevelop the site but has acquired an extra parcel of land and is therefore seeing to increase the number of flats in the scheme from 9 to 15. The plans submitted show no overall increase height in the scheme.
The newly acquired land is associated with 21 Church Walk, comprising part of the rear garden.
The site is adjacent to a parade of shops and cafés to the north-west and a railway line to the south-east. Brentford railway station is sited to the east on the opposite side of Boston Manor Road.

The site on Station Parade as it is currently
When viewed from Boston Manor Road, the development would appears as a three storey building with a fourth storey set back because the ground floor is well below the level of the road.
The flats will comprise 6 one-bedroom, 5 two bedroom and 4 three-bedroom with six classed as affordable and two fully wheelchair accessible. The proposal seeks to provide a net zero carbon development.
There were 76 objections to previously approved scheme as well as two petitions signed by 144 people. The grounds for objecting included excessive height, loss of privacy, disruption from the construction, over density of development and lack of services in the area as well as potential parking problems.

Visualisation of the previously approved scheme
If approved, it is hoped to start work in the scheme next Spring with work completed by May 2024.
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July 29, 2022