Plans to Build on Brent Lea Move Forward |
Application for Floreat's temporary school buildings submitted
It was announced in February that the preferred site for Floreat's new Brentford Primary school was in Brent Lea's recreation ground. Planning application has now been put forward for the temporary school buildings and playground which will last until the expected permanent buildings are completed two years after. The temporary buildings will be one storey to provide four classrooms plus ancillary rooms and a covered play area. Much as the need for a new primary school is widely accepted, there is also concern at the loss of public open space. In a recent letter to Hounslow, Brentford Community Council said "However, we cannot support the loss of public open space, which is barely adequate to meet the needs of our present population and which will be even more inadequate when further families come to live in Brentford". The recreation ground at Brent Lead exists to serve the current residents of Brent Lea as well as the new residents in the Brentford Lock West development at Commerce Road. Brent Lea recreation ground has been poorly maintained and the BCC ask why S106 monies weren't used for its upkeep.
Local Brent Lea resident Joanna Russell said in response to the planning application "My home in Brent Lea backs on to the recreation ground. There are people on it all the time. Children playing, dog walkers, family picnics and all activities that you would expect on an area of land specially designated for the purpose of ‘Recreation’. "It has been said that it is under used. If the tennis/basketball court was looked after by the council then it would have been fit for purpose. It is not the residents' fault. There have been many plans discussed over the years to upgrade the facilities but none have come to fruition. Not the residents fault". The transport survey says that "Extra demand for car parking in both 2015 and 2016 from staff and pupils could be accommodated within existing spare capacity on nearby (mainly residential) streets". Find the planning application by visiting planning search (agreeing T&Cs, and then selecting "search planning applications") and then entering 00707/AK/P1 in the box marked Planning number. Comments on the application should be sent to Case officer and
April 24, 2015 |