Proposed Parking Charges for Leisure Centres

To discourage all day parking


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Hounslow Council are proposing to introduce parking fees at Isleworth Leisure Centre and other leisure facilities throughout the borough.

At present, the use of leisure facility car parks owned or managed by the council is free of charge.

Following a Cabinet Member Single Member Decision on 12th May 2017, parking charges are now being proposed for the following car parks:

  • Redlees Park
  • Isleworth Leisure Centre
  • Isleworth Library
  • Hanworth Air Park Leisure Centre and Library
  • Heston Pools and Fitness
  • Hounslow Heath

The proposed charges intend to discourage those who use the car park not for the leisure facilities, but for more general use such as commuting, which has been a growing issue in recent years.

Income generated would help maintain current facilities that may otherwise become run down and thus less accessible to some users.

The proposed tariffs are consistent with those currently in place at Boston Manor Park: £50 for 1 hour, £1 to 2 hours, £2 for 3 and £3 for 4 hours.
It is proposed that the charging hours exclude bank and public holidays.

On a wider strategic level, the charges would be consistent with the council’s aim to encourage the use of sustainable transport modes for commuting and for other travel in and around Hounslow.

A report will be published in early 2018, including a summary of the consultation feedback received and the recommendations.

The consultation reference TMO/P035/17 (pdf) is open until 22nd December. Comments can be sent to

November 22, 2017

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