Hounslow Council Has 'Thrown In The Towel' On Third Runway |
Local conservatives angered by Council approach at MIPIM
Local Conservatives have criticised Hounslow Council for encouraging what they believe is the promotion of a third runway at Heathrow at the world property show MIPIM in Cannes, south of France. The Council has a virtual flight simulator an its stand and advertises that it is "responding to the opportunity of a third runway". However, the Council's official stance is that it wants a "better, not bigger" airport. The programme says the Council is examining "how airport-related growth is stimulating the borough’s development programme." "Hounslow wants you in the pilot seat: discuss key prospects coming forward and try out the virtual reality flight simulator... flying over Hounslow and it’s many opportunity sites." In recent months, the Council has come under fire for not aligning itself with a number of other boroughs including Wandsworth and Richmond, who have united against Heathrow expansion in the 2M Group. "It is increasingly obvious that Hounslow Council has thrown in the towel when it comes to a third runway at Heathrow. We know this since the Airports Commission produced its report back in July and Labour Leader Steve Curran performed a U-turn and welcomed its recommendation to expand. Many of us have fought long and hard to oppose expansion and to have our Council calling this an "opportunity" sticks in the craw! "Residents who will lose sleep, have their roads increasingly congested or their children's education blighted by aircraft noise will not be calling it an opportunity! "Brentford and Isleworth Labour MP Ruth Cadbury has been betrayed by her Labour colleagues in the Council and we urge her to join with us and continue to say NO to Heathrow expansion." We have asked Hounslow Council for comment. Hounslow Council says on its website it wants to keep the government's annual cap of flights at 480,000 at Heathrow, and to keep runway alternation. That's alongside recognising the important role Heathrow plays in Hounslow's economy with more than 1,000 residents- that's around 10pc of the working population locally- employed at the airport. "We want the government to stick to its policy of limiting the size of Heathrow as well as taking further actions to lessen the negative effects on our local economy and community." March 14, 2016 |