Wheelie Bin Roll Out For All

Consultation after Council claim trial indicates support


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Around 35,000 more households in the borough will soon be receiving wheelie bin rubbish collections following a decision by Deputy Leader of Hounslow Council, Councillor Amrit Mann, to extend the popular service to remaining, eligible homes across Hounslow.

The rollout, which has already seen 27,000 homes receive a wheelie bin collection service, will continue in November and is expected to be completed by March 2016.

The decision to extend the service, which is subject to a seven-day ‘call in’ by councillors, follows positive comments from residents already using wheelie bins say Hounslow Council.

In a recent survey more than two-thirds of those who responded were satisfied with the service, and almost two thirds agreed that their street was cleaner as a result of introducing wheelie bins.

All remaining homes in the borough have been assessed to see if they are suitable for a wheelie bin collection service – usually if they have space at the front of their property to place the bin on collection day.

Residents whose property can accommodate a wheelie bin will be written to with details of the new collection arrangements. Residents living in properties which are unsuitable for a wheelie bin will also receive a letter confirming their waste collection remains unchanged. Residents will be able to appeal if they believe they have been incorrectly assessed.

Anyone who thinks they may have difficulties using a wheelie bin can apply for an assisted collection to help them. The letter to residents will outline how to do this.

As well as making the borough look better and tidier, wheelie bin collections help to increase recycling and divert waste from expensive landfill. The bins hold a limited amount of rubbish which makes residents reconsider what they are putting in the bin and recycle more. An increase in recycling is expected to result in an annual saving of £500k in landfill costs.

Hounslow, like many neighbouring boroughs, has also introduced a wheelie bin collection service to reduce the littering associated with black sack collection, usually as a result of rubbish bags being ripped opened by pests such as foxes.

Councillor Mann said: “During both the pilot and subsequent rollouts across the borough we have listened to the views of residents and have adapted the service to respond to local circumstances. This includes assessing individual properties rather than allocating bins to entire roads.

“We’ve already seen a massive improvement in street cleanliness in areas where the wheelie bin collection service has been introduced. We expect residents to notice an immediate change as the scheme is rolled-out to their street.

“As with previous rollouts, we will be doing a lot of work with residents so they know how to effectively use the new service and what is expected from them. We will also revisit households already using wheelie bins. 

“As well as helping the environment, recycling is far cheaper than sending waste to landfill. Every tonne of rubbish sent to landfill costs £120 per tonne. Recycling the same costs just £20. Recycling more is one way you can help the council save money that could be better spent on other council services.”

August 7, 2015arger bins will be available where there are six or more people living in a property.

Households with four or more people, including a child aged under two, can also apply for a larger bin, as well as residents with health issues that increase the amount of waste being produced.

In all cases, residents applying for a larger bin will need to show that they are recycling all they can.

Cllr Mann added: "Residents do not need to do anything right now and are reminded that we will write to them later in the year to confirm their household collections.”

To read a list of frequently asked questions about wheelie bins visit www.hounslow.gov.uk/wheeliebin

If you are concerned about this decision email your councillors promptly to let them know within the 7 days necessary for a call in. The decision was made under Cabinet Member Single Member Decision.

August 6, 2015

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