Watch Decision on Brentford Town Centre This Thursday |
Brentford High Street Steering Group issues video showing the best bits of Brentford
Andrew Dakers, Chair of Brentford High Street Steering Group, said: “There are of course aspects of Ballymore’s scheme we welcome. However, as Cat Berry and Tom Keane express through this montage video, there is still much that should be improved before the Planning Committee give this scheme their endorsement. The video highlights the rich architectural heritage in Brentford and how that should be reflected in further improvements to the design of the buildings’ facades. This should not affect the scheme’s financial viability or speed of delivery, which is largely driven by the massing and density of the scheme allowed. As we have all said before, let’s have designs that are loved, rather than loathed.” John Dale, who has been delighting the people of Brentford recently with his videos has arranged to film the debate at the Planning Committee this Thursday. The edited highlights will be available shortly on the Friday after the decision has been made. Hounslow seems to have given up on live streaming of important decisions, although an independent streaming of the Planning Committee's last major decision, for Lionel Road was watched by thousands. The Planning Committee meets this Thursday at 7:30pm at the Civic Centre. Do come and judge for yourself how the decision is made. November 26, 2014 |