West London Friends of Earth share their views

Members of West London Friends of Earth protested at a recent Heathrow consultation event at Ealing Town Hall earlier this month.
Nic Ferriday, spokesperson for WLFOE commented: “It was a slick and professional presentation. There was a mass of detailed information, with maps showing a range of possible new and re-arranged flight paths. But we know from talking to visitors that many were confused by the mass of material and as a result could not tell what the actual impacts would be on them.”
Members of WLFOE handed out a leaflet which clearly and concisely explains the real issues.
Nic added: “This consultation uses terms such as “modernisation” but the real reason for changes is expansion. Not only does Heathrow want to add a new runway – it wants to add 25,000 extra flights pa with the existing two runways. But the bombshell about 25,000 is well hidden away on page 13 of one of the consultation documents.
"With more flights on existing runways and far more still with a third runway, all the options they give for airspace arrangements just confuse and hide the fact that Heathrow’s plan would create more noise, more air pollution and more congestion".
The deadline for the Heathrow consultation is 11.55pm on 4 March. The consultation covers the future operations with proposals from the company/airport for how it will operate three runways at an expanded airport and plans for the design of airspace to accommodate that, but also proposals for how to use its two existing runways in the meantime.
You can respond online at www.heathrowconsultation.com , complete a feedback form available at the exhibition events, send an email to feedback@heathrowconsultation.com or post the feedback form or write to FREEPOST LHR AFO CONSULTATION.
There is a second consultation underway - The AVIATION 2050: THE FUTURE OF UK AVIATION is a Department of Transport (DfT) consultation and covers national airspace, it seeks to establish a new decision making framework for additional runways across the UK and assumes that a third runway at Heathrow will be built.
The paper also sets out carbon emission targets, proposals to manage noise impacts to reduce the impact on public health and quality of life and plans for surface access to ensure it is more sustainable. It also looks at airspace modernisation with new types of flight path and includes a Passengers’ Charter.
The closing dates for comments is 11:45pm on 11 April 2019. You can respond with your views online or email AviationStrategy@dft.gov.uk or write to Aviation Strategy, Department for Transport, 33 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 4DR.
West London Friends of Earth advise:
- Heathrow wants to add 25,000 more flights pa with the existing two runways. But they are doing their best to hide it from you by burying this bombshell halfway down page 13 of the consultation document.
- With more flights on existing runways all the options they give for airspace arrangements just confuse and hide the fact that this would create more noise, as well as more air pollution and more congestion.
- It is by no means certain that a third runway will go ahead. (It is being challenged in the courts. Also, Heathrow cannot afford it and are looking for government subsidy.)
- With nearly 50% more flights, a large number of people of new people would experience regular flights overhead. Those that already suffer regular flights are being offered less respite.
- All the options Heathrow give for airspace arrangements just confuse and hide the fact that a third runway would create even more noise, as well as more air pollution and more congestion.
- We recommend that you do not answer the questions that Heathrow pose. The only difference between the options they offer is that one community might get less noise at the expense of others.
- We suggest you make a general response to the effect that you are strongly opposed to 25,000 extra flights with two runways and are strongly opposed to a third runway on the grounds of noise, air pollution and congestion.
- You could add that you want to see changes which are win/win for all communities, eg quieter aircraft and compensation for noise impacts. Not flight path changes which just push noise around from one community to the next.
March 1, 2019