Green Party Announces Local Election Manifesto

Policies on climate change, planning, and Heathrow airport

the green party members hold up an election banner


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Hounslow Green Party has published their manifesto.

The manifesto has specific local policies on climate change, local planning and the built environment, pollution and transport, because these are very important to the local Green Party, and the people of Hounslow.

They call for higher standards in building regulations for new homes, so that they are well insulated and don’t need a lot of energy to run. This will help reduce local carbon emissions, and help prevent damaging climate change.

"Planning decisions affect many generations to come. We will protect our precious green spaces in Hounslow and ensure that any development is balanced with new green infrastructure."

Many new housing developments in Hounslow are not affordable by local people. We will provide mixed housing developments of at least 40% social rented housing. A further 10% will have rents based on the ability to pay for those on minimum wage, they say.

"We will support London being a National Park city. We will ensure that trees are replaced in public places. If a tree needs to be removed, at least one tree, and ideally two, shall replace it.

"Air pollution kills over 100 people in the Borough annually and causes many respiratory illnesses. We will decrease air pollution specifically by making it easier to get about by public transport, cycling and walking. We will assist the London mayor in implementing Clean Air London’s policies."

The Greens will fight Heathrow expansion because they say it will increase local noise and pollution, as well as make it difficult to meet climate change commitments.

"We will work with Transport for London to build the Cycle Super Highway 9 linking the town centre of Hounslow, Brentford and Chiswick by bicycle, including keeping to the plan to bring CS9 down Chiswick High Road. We will also provide a network of other connected green and open spaces and quiet ways for cycling and walking between town centres in the borough and safer routes to schools. Cyclists and walkers will take priority over cars."

In other areas such as jobs and business, policing and communities, and equality and diversity Hounslow will follow London and national Green Party policies.

April 22, 2018

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