Peace Love and Neurodiversity |
Come to a unique event at Watermans Arts Centre
Autism Hounslow is organising a 'NeuroDiversity ShinDig' on 3rd Aug at Waterman's Arts Centre, Brentford - 6.30pm to 8.30pm. It's time to talk NeuroDiversity in Hounslow. Each human has a unique fingerprint and a unique neurology - brain wiring. Just as skin tones result from naturally occurring variations so do our neuorologies. Most people have a NeuroTypical brain pattern. NeuroDivergent people have less common brain patterns and these have names: autism, dyslexia, bi-polar, ADHD, Downs Syndrome and the list goes on .... Let's make Hounslow the most NeuroInclusive Borough in the London. Join in, talk (write, draw, dance or sing) and be part of our ambitious project. An recent example of the way in which Art can push overcome the barriers facing NeuroDivergent people happened this year in Ireland. A film called Sanctuary - a love story with great production values starring two intellectually disabled Actors - raised public awareness and led to a change in an oppressive and insensitive law that placed a blanket ban on having sex with an intellectually disabled or mentally ill person outside marriage. It would be over simple to ignore the difficulties faced by many NeuroDivergent people and the people who love and care for them. BUT for far too long the social and cultural landscape has been designed for and by NeuroTypical people unaware of the needs of many NeuroDivergent people. Now is a good time to talk about how life can be made more fulfilling and rewarding for all - how life in Hounslow can be NeuroInclusive. There are 1,400 people living in Brentford and given that the accepted prevalence of autism is 1 in a hundred that means that there are 140 autistic people of all ages living in Brentford. On 3rd August, 6:30-8:30pm at Watermans Arts Centre Adult Autism Hounslow
July 31, 2017 |