Have your say on the emerging proposals

The Brentford community is being invited to the Layton Road, Brentford Public Exhibition for the emerging proposals for the land to the south of Layton Road, ahead of a joint planning application being submitted in September 2016.
The exhibition takes place at Floreat Brentford Primary School, Trico House, Great West Quarter
On Tuesday 19 July 2016, 3.30pm – 8.00pm
Saturday 23 July 2016, 10.00am – 2.00pm
The Education Funding Agency, Floreat Education Academies Trust and Hodson Developments have been working together to secure a permanent home for the Floreat Brentford Primary School. The two form entry Free School is being proposed as part of a mixed-use development to include a mix of new residential accommodation.
The exhibition will provide the opportunity to view the emerging proposals for the site and leave comments. Members of the client team, school management and design team will be on hand to talk through the proposals and answer questions.

Everyone is welcome to the public sessions. For more information please visit jtp.co.uk or contact us by email at community@jtp.co.uk or on Freephone 0800 012 6730.
July 7, 2016