OWGRA organises speakers and questions on NHS crisis 
OWGRA (Osterley & Wyke Green Residents' Association) is organising a public meeting for local residents
on Tuesday 27 February 2018, 7.15 pm,
at Isleworth & Syon School, Ridgeway Road, TW7 5LJ,
on Crisis in the NHS? An Update on Local Health Services.‘
Are you happy with local health services? Do you have any pressing concerns about access to your GP and local hospitals?
The NHS is constantly changing, so OWGRA has invited speakers from Hounslow Clinical Commissioning Group (which is about to commission GP services in the borough) and West Middlesex University Hospital to address local residents and answer their concerns.
Here is the agenda for the meeting:
7.15 pm Registration
7.30 pm Welcome and introductions
7.35 pm GP Care (Primary)
Speakers: Rosalyn King, Deputy Director, Local Services Development, Hounslow CCG, & Julia Chalmers-Watson, GP, Hounslow Consortium and Brentworth Federation
8.00 pm Hospital Care (Secondary & Tertiary)
Speakers: Vanessa Sloane, Director of Nursing, & Iain Beveridge, Associate Medical Director, West Middlesex University Hospital
8.15 pm Break for refreshments
8.35 pm Q&A
9.15 pm Close of meeting
February 23, 2018