Informal 'marketplace' event happening before the meeting

The Musical Museum
The next Isleworth and Brentford Area Forum is taking place on Thursday 22 September at 7.30pm.
It is being held at The Musical Museum, 399 High Street, Brentford (TW8 0DU).
In the hour before the meeting there will be an informal networking event. The Musical Museum has offered all attendees the opportunity to arrive early and see some of the museum’s instruments before the meeting begins.
For the ‘Marketplace’ element of the meeting, a number of local Brentford organisations have also been invited to provide information on what they do and network with each other.
Light refreshments will be available during this section of the meeting.
After the formalities, the first item on the meeting agenda is a local policing and community safety update by Sergeant Jim Cope of Hounslow Metropolitan Police.
This will be followed by an open forum which is an opportunity for members of the public to address the meeting. Local councillors are keen to focus on issues around family, health and carers support but all questions are welcome other than those on individual cases.
Councillor Marina Sharma will introduce a proposal to hold a ‘Get Together’ event for local community groups, to explore ways of supporting each other and forming closer partnerships.
A report on the proposed operational time for the Ridgeway Road Area Controlled Park Zone will be presented as well as an Area Forum Action Plan. There will also be an update on petitions including one concerning the Lucozade sign which was signed by 67 people.
If you have any suggestions or requests for agenda items for future meetings, email the Isleworth & Brentford Area Forum team at
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September 16, 2022