Isleworth & Brentford Area Forum Meeting |
Agenda includes crime briefing, transport issues and the Local Plan
The next meeting of the Isleworth & Brentford Area Forum is on Thursday, 20th March. starting at 19:30 at Brentford Free Church, Boston Manor Road. The agenda includes a regular local policing update plus a report from dedicated Estate Policing officers. Transport for London will be presenting on proposals for the A4. Hounslow Highways (responsible for resurfacing roads, lighting and street cleansing) will also be in attendance to provide an end of year report on the PFI (Private Finance Initiative) programme. In addition to this there will be a combined presentation on the Council’s draft Local Plan, the draft West London Waste Plan and the Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule. Petitions have been submitted on unauthorised land clearance at Hamilton Road, parking controls and yoga classes. There will be time for some Q&A on these items but you are strongly advised to submit any questions you may have on the agenda items as far in advance as possible. You can email them to Members will also be asked to consider a number of traffic reports together with a report detailing planning applications called in for consideration by the Area Forum. March 19, 2014 |