Line-up of local bands to provide live music through the day

Last year's Brentford Canal Festival. Picture: Eric Baker
May 12, 2023
Brentford Voice has revealed more details of what is planned for this year’s Brentford Canal Festival which is due to take place on Saturday 24 June.
Last year over 3,000 people came along to the free fun-packed day out celebrating the end of Covid-19 restrictions on large gatherings.
Many of the area’s favourite live music acts will be performing including Ed Hopwood, Alex Clayton-Black, Harmonica Lewinski % The Highway Patrol, Honest Frankie, Banjo Bob and Just Jeff, Marky Dawson, The Detonators and Republic of Brentford.
The event stats at noon and continues until 6pm in Market Place and the Brentford Lock Piazza and will also have street dance, folk dance, a steel band, paddleboarding and kayaking, boat trips, photo and art displays and arts and craft workshops as well as a steel pan band.
Martin Case of Brentord Voice said, “The Canal Festival was created to celebrate our waterways and recognise the importance of the waterways in establishing Brentford. But more importantly it was an opportunity to bring our community together for a day and to showcase Brentford and all it has to offer including live music and entertainment, arts and crafts, water sport activities, boat trips, heritage and food & drink and loads more.”
A small number of volunteers from the local community make the festival happen and the aim is to further establish it as a major annual attraction on Brentford’s and West London’s calendar.
Get in touch with Brentford Voice if you would like to volunteer or to learn a bit more about what goes into bringing Brentford Canal Festival together. To find out more email
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