Day includes live music, dance, water sports and food and drink from local eateries

Food and drink from local cafes, pubs and restaurants will be on offer
The Brentford Canal Festival is back.
Organised by Brentford Voice it is taking place around the Canal basin, the gauging lock, Brentford Lock piazza and Market Place on Saturday 25 June from midday to 6pm.
Brentford and all it has to offer will be showcased with activities for the whole family, including live music, dance, heritage, arts, water sport activities, plus food and drink from local pubs, cafes, bars and restaurants. Buzz and Buzzette official mascots from Brentford FC will be making a special guest appearance.
The aim is to not only to reignite people’s interest in Brentford’s waterways, but in our town’s rich heritage and culture, and to celebrate the vibrancy of life by the water.

Local clubs will be offering activities on the water
Martin Case of Brentford Voice said, “Brentford is a town shaped by water. It is where the Thames, the Grand Union Canal and the River Brent meet, and these local waterways have and continue to play a central role in the life of our community.
“To celebrate our waterways, the Brentford Canal Festival will bring our community together for a day of fun where they can appreciate and enjoy life by the water.
“For too long now we’ve lived in the shadow of our neighbours Chiswick, Richmond, Kew and Ealing, however at this crucial turning point in Brentford’s future the time has come to introduce Brentford’s unique character, vibrancy and diversity to the wider west London community.
“Great things happen when a community bands together, but magic happens when an entire town works together, we’re ready to wow this weekend and create a taste of true Brentford hospitality! “
You can find out more about what is happening on the day on the Brentford Canal Festival website.
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June 23, 2022